Chapter 5 - Halloween

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It was a Monday evening. About six o'clock, and everyone had finished school. Children all over the world were getting dressed up for Halloween. Some adults too. Everyone was excited to go Trick-or-Treating and get lots of candy. Well, almost everyone..

H was in his living room which he still hadn't quite gotten used to, as he had only moved in a few weeks ago. Carly tried to drag him off of the couch but failed. Pearl attempted to help her, but also failed. Even KC joined in, but Pearl just shoved her away. Gidget watched them all and thought it was stupid, but Bob however, was loving it.

"H! Why won't you just have some fun on Halloween?!" Carly cried.
"Because it's stupid!" He yelled.
"But Halloween is amazing!" Pearl replied.
"I don't flippin care!" H argued. This continued for another ten minutes.

After the argument, the girls had won and forced H to go Trick-or-Treating with them. They waited in the living room for him to find something to wear. Carly was dressed as Amu-Chan from the anime Shugo Chara. Pearl was dressed as Emma Swan from the TV series Once Upon a Time. She even held a little hook to represent Captain Hook/Killian Jones. KC wasn't dressed up yet. She was waiting until everyone else was coming over (they were having a Halloween party) because she and TicToc had matching costumes. Also, she wasn't going out with her siblings because she was scared of the dark, which made sense because she had spent most of her life in a dark basement.

H walked out of his bedroom, holding a plastic hoop. He placed it on his head over his hood and said, "I'll just wear this. It's good enough, right?"
"Uh.." Carly hesitated.
Pearl stared at him and asked, "What are you supposed to be?!"
"I'm King H. Duh," H replied.
"Oh my gosh.." Pearl whispered. Carly face palmed.

About an hour later, after the three siblings had went out, they went back inside and sat on their couch. They were just getting comfortable when they heard a knock on the door.
"Ugh!" H moaned.
"I'll get it.." Pearl and Carly sighed in unison. The looked at each other and laughed.
"Do you want me to get it?" KC asked.
"No! Stop pretending you're a little angel because really, you're a devil," Pearl yelled, "I HATE YOU!"
"Pearl.." Carly whispered and nudged her sister. KC looked like she was about to cry. Part of Pearl felt really bad, but she didn't want to, so she pretended she didn't.

Bob and Gidget walked over to KC. Bob hugged her and Gidget stroked her hair.
"Thank you," KC said. Pearl crossed her arms and rolled her eyes. Seeing this, Carly decided to get up and open the door.

As she opened the door, she felt the cold air lightly hit her face. She closed her eyes and smiled. When she opened her eyes again, she saw everyone who was invited to the party; Jimmy, Emilia, Rosalina, Tea Party, TicToc, Bella, Granny Bloodgood and Mr Donkey. Briar was also there for some reason. Carly kindly invited everyone inside and took them to the living room.

Everyone sat down, either on a couch or on the floor.
"Hi guys," Pearl said.
"Hello!" Chirped Tea Party.
"Hey," replied TicToc.
"I'm a normal guy!" Cried Jimmy.
"Nice to know.." Emilia replied.

KC walked out of Bob and Gidget's bedroom. She had just got dressed and was now wearing her Halloween costume.
"Oh my gosh, I love it!" TicToc cried.
KC giggled, "Thank you."

She was wearing a white bunny ears headband and a light purple dress with a white collar. It had a pom-pom at the back representing the tail. Her hair was down, and it was so long that it went past her knees.

TicToc wore a black jumpsuit, black gloves with white cuffs, black boots, and a black cat ears headband. She wore her hair in a half ponytail (her hair was too short to fit it all in a bobble).

Pearl huffed, and crossed her arms, "Why do you guys have to have matching costumes? It's not fair!"
Tea Party giggled, "Its only a costume silly. And they don't even match! They're just dressed as each other's favourite animals in black and white. They're like.. a Yin Yang.."

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