"It's just.. I don't know. He's so rude and mean, Darien. He's always been like that. He's not a first year, I've seen situations like you all the same before."

"Situations like me? What do you mean?"

"I mean.. oh gosh, Darien. Didn't you know? Seth is always without a roommate because people get so fed up with how he acts. They always stick new suckers like you with him in order to try to save rooms. You're not his first roommate and I honestly don't want you to be his last. I want to get you out of there, babes."

Darien thought for a few minutes. Surely it wasn't Seth's fault that so many roommates had left him, right? He thought back to his first day. The rude words escaping Seth's mouth, the mess, the bed beside him cluttered, sleeping on the floor his first night.. maybe it WAS all his fault.

"Well," Darien began. "How would you even get me out of there in the first place?"

Andy smiled at his boyfriend. He had hoped he would ask!

"Darien, I want to move in with you, in the apartments on campus! They're spacious with lots of windows, our own bathroom and shower, a kitchen and a living area. It'll be all for us! No tiny rooms, no mess, no Seth to come home and be rude to us!"

"Yeah, no Seth.." Darien thought. He wasn't necessarily sure about that part of it. Still, he was shocked by Andy's idea proposal anyway.

"Wow, Andy. Do you mean that? I mean, it sounds great, but I don't know if I really want to leave Seth behind," he said. Andy frowned.

"Why? You don't have feelings for him or something, do you?" Andy asked.

"What?! No, Andy! I love you, not Seth! I just don't really dislike him, he's had bad days, yes, but he can be a really good friend! Maybe he'll grow on you." Darien suggested.

"With all respect, honey, it's been a few months and he's not growing on me. Not even like mold, and mold is gross," Andy said. "Please, Darien. I want to take this next step with you. I love you."

"Tell you what," Darien began. "I'll consider it, but please don't assume I'll make up my mind right away. I need time to think. I love you too." Andy smiled.

"Thanks, Darien. It means the world to me."


Caroline was the girl that worked behind the counter at Starbucks. She was tall, curvy, and the sexy type of red head you'd find in a fashion magazine. She was a music major, specializing in music theory with a second degree in secondary education. She aspired to teach in high school while she continued to get her doctorate. Her brown eyes were like copper, bright and shiny and deep. That evening, when Seth knocked over a tray of freshly made pastries, she became his very best friend.

"Shit, I'm sorry!" Seth exclaimed, his face flushed red with embarrassment.

"Ugh, really?!" Caroline shouted. "Those took forever to prepare!"

"I'm sure they did, and I'm so sorry," Seth said.

"Are you trying to be funny?" She asked angrily.

"What? No! That wasn't sarcasm.. I really do feel bad. How much do I owe you for all that?" Seth asked. Caroline seemed confused.

"Uh, we don't charge for accidents like that," she said.

"Why not? I ruined them."

"Policy, I guess. Not all stores do it, but this one does. It's like how some grocery stores don't charge for broken items."

"Well, can I tip you something personally for the trouble?" Seth asked. Caroline smirked.

"The only tips go in the tip jar, and it's distributed evenly between us all. I can't accept your money on my shift," she said.

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