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The warmth of the sun on my skin feels so nice. Zayn peels off my shirt and kisses down my back. I shiver as his tongue runs along my spine, heart quivering.

It curls up and laps wetly, collecting a bead of sweat at the nape of my neck.

"Zayn," I moan softly, fisting up the corner of the quilt.

"I don't mind that you made me swim," he flips me over, his finger gently tracing the outline of my lips. "Sometimes you have to take chances."

"Is that what we are," I ask softly.

"Maybe so," he smiles. "That isn't a bad thing. It's a risk I would take again."

"I fell so hard," my cheeks grow warm.

"Do you need me to soften the blow?"

I'm nodding timidly and he swoops down to capture my lips, hand cupping the nape of my neck, thumb etching tiny circles where my spine meets my hairline.

My tongue curls, tasting the soft warmth of his mouth. His mouth is sweet like honey. I let my hands get lost in his coal black tufts of hair and I'm practically melting. The grass beneath me is opening up and I'm falling even deeper.

It doesn't hurt. It never does. Zayn is careful and compassionate, always kissing me unhurriedly like he's savoring every moment. My heart is pumping faster, working harder to capture every moment with him. It feels like eternity.

He feels like heaven.

"Angel," he strokes my cheek as he pulls away, letting me catch my breath. "I love you."

My eyes flutter closed. I let the sun kiss me as Zayn caresses me, fingers trailing down my chest. My hard nipples soften as his mouth wrap around them. A pitiful whine falls from my lips as he tugs with his teeth.

"Oh fuck," I exhale shakily.

He stops, eyes meeting mine. Flecks of gold, a little black freckle dotting his left eye.

"You're unreal," I gasp, hand moving unsteadily, thumb swiping beneath his sharp jaw.

"I want you so bad...just not here. Not now."

He turns away and a cool gust of wind sweeps by, blowing his hair. His profile is straight off a canvas. The perfect curve of his nose, the dip of his upper lip. He's a work of art; a masterpiece. Sculpted by God himself and I swallow thickly before wrapping my arms around him.

He chuckles and rubs the small of my back.

"You okay" he asks, breath tickling my neck, warm air fanning across my skin. His lips graze my earlobe and I giggle, heart bursting at the seams.

"Better than okay. You've never felt so warm."

"I know," he mutters quietly. "My heart has never felt so mushy either. Thanks a lot for softening me," he adds jokingly.

"I don't want to die," I blurt.

His body grows slack, arms falling limply at his sides.


He looks shocked, eyes widening and I feel angry at myself for making him so worried.

"I'm not sad anymore. I have everything I could ever want. I have good friends and a stable job and somewhere to rest my head at night. I'm so incredibly blessed. I can't complain you know-"

"Your mum must be so proud," he reassures. "Death is never easy. Trust me," he murmurs. "I know better than anyone. I've experienced a lot of it."

"I'm sorry," my face falters. "The best thing is...when I wake up I know I'll see your face."

"Oh Harry," he sighs, hands carding through my messy curls.

"Are you okay Zayn?"

"Yeah." He smiles meekly and I peck his cheek.

"Maybe you should eat something."

He shrugs and I scatter more kisses all over his face.

"Are you sleepy?"

I'm pulling him down and snuggling beside him, arms looping around his waist.


"Much," he laughs. "I guess a nap wouldn't hurt."

In a matter of minutes he's gone, snoring softly and I pack away the things in the cooler, putting them back in the trunk. He has more blankets and pillows in the back and a couple flashlights. I laugh as I spot a first aid kit but something catches my eye, glinting under the back seat.

A knife? It's obviously for self defense purposes. Come on, I scoff at myself. What was I thinking?

I still feel slightly unsettled and turn around quickly. He's still sound asleep.

It seems a bit unexpected. Then again, maybe he's smart for having a way to protect himself. He'd never want me to get hurt either.

There is something odd about Zayn though. I can't quite pin it but who flips through pages of a book on biblical prophecies and why is his school schedule so flexible? Is he even in school or did he lie about that?

How does he afford his flat? I'm positive he doesn't have a job.

I'm reading into this too deep, maybe I just-

"What are you doing?"

I jump as he startles me, heart thudding in my chest.

"You were asleep ten seconds ago, I swear."

"Harry," he frowns, crossing him arms. He groans and snatches the knife.

"Um, what are you doing," I ask panicked. My feet are planted firmly on the ground. I'm frozen in place; can't seem to budge.

"Putting this back is my sheath. Relax."

He fumbles around until he finds it and slides the knife in.

"Sorry," I look at the grass, biting my tongue. "I'm not scared of you. It's okay."

"Alright," he chuckles. "I don't know why you would be."

"I was trying to be helpful."

He kisses the corner of my mouth.

"Thank you babe. I couldn't stay asleep."

"Why," I frown.

"I couldn't feel you beside me anymore," his cheeks flush. "My biggest fear is losing you."

"I'll never abandon you Zayn. Just promise me the same."

"I'll always be with you," his voice trembles, eyes wet with tears. "Please know that Harry."

He cups his hand over his mouth, sobs racking his body.

"I love you," he says anguished. "With everything I have, I love you. To the ends of the earth, until the end of time, I love you."

"Was it something I said?"

I'm tucking him safely in my arms, heart breaking for him.

"No," he replies voice broken. "It's just always taken from me. It isn't fair."

"What babe? What's wrong? Tell me," I say gently.

"I lose everything I've ever loved."

"Not this time."

He steps away, tears streaking down his cheeks, body shaking.

"I'd never hurt you," his voice gets carried in the wind. "I'd never hurt you," he repeats rhythmically.

I'm scared for him, scared he'll pull out that knife.

Scared he's as fucked up in the mind as me and wants to take his own life so I quickly close the gap between us, gasping as cold blood drips down my fingers.


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