Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

                I stared at the specimen before me, surprised by the small spark I was feeling; feeling, I was actually feeling something. As I stared into his amber eyes, my body seemed to warm slightly. I took a step back, unsure of this. I had lost feeling long ago and one look into his eyes had brought some back.

                "Mi Hermosa, come we must go." He spoke gently but in a rush, holding out his hand. I stared at it blankly before looking back up.

What had he just called me?

I didn't move to take his hand, refusing to believe this was happening. For twelve years I had waited for someone to save me and it never happened. Annabelle is here less than twenty-four hours and as she promised, rescuers come.

 "Please, time is running out." he begged. I blinked, just staring. Growing impatient and anxious at the sound of approaching feet, he easily reached down and picked me up, carrying me bridal style out the door. He took quick strides, exiting the place I had called shelter without a backwards glance. I closed my eyes as the light hit them, causing a stinging sensation. After being in the dark for so long, the light was almost foreign. Snarls and growls pierced the air, as well as those inhumane screams.

                "Tenemos a todos! Vamos a salir!" Anton shouted from above me, the Spanish rolling easily off his tongue before he translated. "We've got them all! Let's head out!" I still hadn't opened my eyes, finding it easier to believe I was finally leaving. I knew we had stepped outside when the ice cold air hit my bare skin. I was only wearing a tank top and a pair of jean shorts; that's all I had ever been allowed to wear.

It sounded as if a battle was taking place, each snarl met with a scream. My ears were ringing by the time I was finally set down. I felt the soft leather behind and beneath me, which coaxed me into slowly opening my eyes.

                From what I could see that wasn't cloaked in the darkness of the night, I had been placed in a rather large, spacious truck. The interior was clean and fresh; either it was new or taken very good care of. The man from before and Annabelle were twisted around in their seats, staring at me. I felt a hand on me knee and looked down at it before over at Anton. He was watching me intently, seeming to be searching for something. I simply stared back, my face as blank as always. Finally he sighed, his breath blowing across my face.

                "Take her to the house, have Delilah check over her and the others. I'll catch up after everyone's left. You've got the files, right Annabelle?" he questioned. She nodded, holding out a yellow envelope. "Good; study all of them but especially hers. I want you to be able to tell me everything about her. Only Delilah and you two may speak to her. I don't want her overwhelmed; especially no males." He growled out on the end. I wondered why he would say that... Annabelle and the man shared a knowing look.

                "And Armando?" Anton questioned before he left. The man looked over, nodding. Anton looked at me for a moment with an expression I didn't recognize before turning to Armando. "Si ella está herida, te estoy culpando." It sounded like a warning, if I was reading the tone of his voice right. Armando nodded with a serious face as he flicked a glance towards me.

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