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[Play "Boy In Luv" in your playlist guyseuu😊 Hope u love this chapter😘 Love lots]
I woke up as the sunlight went through my face. I just noticed that I had fallen asleep on my desk while completely studying for the whole night.

I looked at my alarm clock and it's still early. I guess maybe going to school early is not a bad idea. I did my morning routine and went downstairs.

I thought dad would be cooking but it looks like that he's still sleeping. I promised him that both us will go out and buy christmas decors.

I remembered our first Christmas together as a whole family. The christmas tree was filled with lights and decorations.

Presents were laid under the tree, wrappers with different colors and designs. The whole family was there.

But now, I guess me and dad will be celebrating Christmas together. After Halmoni and Haraboji died, it's just the two of us.

Our relatives...nahh...they don't give much support. I went down and took a sandwhich from the fridge. I took also a strawberry juice box and put it in my backpack.

I went out of the house, the cool wind blowing through my hair, the flowers that smelled good. The fresh air from the neighborhood.

I took a bite of my sandwhich and got my juice box from my bag. I was thinking of going to In Ha's house which was a few meters away from my house but I realized she's such a sleepyhead so I just went directly at school.

Few students were there at school, mostly practicing for the upcoming talent show. I saw Hoseok sitting on a bench listening to something.

"Hey Hoseok!" I said. The moment he saw me, he gave me his sunshine smile that revealed his dimple between his lips. He took of his headphones and placed it beside him.

"Oh hey Soohyun! I didn't expect you to be early, yesterday you were just late and now you are early! Aish this girl." He said. I smiled at him. I asked him the same.

"Well, I just feel like going to school this early, I want this peaceful aura of the school. Later it will be wild and crazy." He said. I agreed with him. I didn't bother to ask him where are the others coz I know they'll come before class started.

I waved goodbye to him and went straight to my locker. I got the books I need when someone suddenly pulled my hair. The next thing I knew I was on the ground.

"Yah! How dare you touch my Jiminie Oppa!" The girl said. I looked at her and I know her. She's the girl from one of our class with Jimin. I noticed her always staring at Jimin and sending her papers. But Jimin just threw them away. I looked and it was Jisoo!

"What the actual fuck are you- AHH!" I screamed as soon as one of her friends grab my hair again and kicking my stomach. One of them grabbed my bag and successfully got it.

"Jimin broke up with me because of you BITCH!" She said. What! We are not in a relationship with Jimin but is she really telling the truth? Why would Jimin break up a girl just because of me? That's like the lamest and stupidest reason ever. I mean no one liked me.

They continued hurting me when I heard a familiar voice not far away. "Don't touch her!" I know that voice. As the figure got closer. I know who he was. It was Jimin.

The girls were shocked and stopped hurting me. I stayed there on the ground unable to move. "Jimin-ah I-I can explain..." Jisoo was stuttering and by the look of Jimin's face he was satisfied at what he saw.

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