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Soohyun's Pov

I woke to the sound of Got7's If You Do music from my alarm.

I directly stood up and did my morning routine.

As I went downstairs, my phone buzzed. I check to look who was messaging me.

Chim Chim😊: I'm gonna pick you up today be ready ;)

My heart suddenly beats fast. Why do I feel like this? I asked myself.

"Good Morning Appa!" I said. "Yah! what time did you go home yesterday." He said. "This year you always go out. It's almost Christmas, I'm planning to throw a party...how about invite your friends okay?" He said. Of course...15 days to go and it's christmas.

I heard a honk from outside and saw Jimin pulling down the window, waving.

I bid goodbye to my dad and went in the passenger seat. "Good Morning!" He said. I remembered what happened last night.

My first ever kiss, was stolen from a bad boy. My heart races like it just attended a race.

"Good Morning to you too...." I said. The whole ride was quiet until he turned on the radio to break the silence. We were both embarrassed.


We arrived at school to find myself some Christmas decors hanging in hallways, doors and corridors.

I looked at people crowding a place. I wonder what's in there.

"Soohyun-ah!" I heard In Ha calling me.

"What's happening over there?" I pointed at the people crowding.

"It's this Christmas Talent Show." She said excitedly.

"Oh...so they posted it early this week." I said.

"Yeah and I signed you up with Jimin." She said. It's like my whole world turned black.

"What!?" Both of us said. "Yeah! After your performance yesterday. I had an idea." She said. I'm dead.

"Are you going to perform something together with the members?" In Ha asked Jimin.

Jimin scratched the back of his head. "I don't know I'll just ask them." He said.

We walked into class, I bid goodbye to In Ha as we both separate ways.

All eyes were on us. "Are they dating?" A girl said. "I thought they broke up" another girl said. "Were they ever in a relationship?" The girl answered the other girl's question.

We managed to get in our seats. "Don't mind them, they're just jealous." He said. I nodded.

The professor got in. "Okay, have you did your research?" We nodded.

"Okay who would like to go first?" Our professor said.

Jimin raised his hand. "Sosengnim, us." Jimin said. I gave him a glare.

But nevertheless we stood up. We went in front and I placed my laptop.

Jimin did the operating and I did the speaking. I could see the professor was really interested.

As we ended our report, all of our classmates clapped their hands. We went back to our seats. I mouthed him a 'Good Job' he smiled.

As our two periods ended, We went to the cafeteria together.

I sat beside In Ha and Jimin was sitting beside me.

"So...what will you perform on the talent show?" I asked.

"Well we're planning to sing and dance DNA." Taehyung said getting his fries.

"Yeah, In Ha told us you'll perform We don't talk anymore." Jin said. I almost choked on my coke.

"Hey...I thought we'll perform that together hyung..." Jungkook said.

"I changed my mind." Jimin said. Jungkook pouted.

"Are we seriously going to sing that song?" I said. He nodded.

"We have 6 days to practice." He said. I rolled my eyes.

"You'll not practice your sing and dance." I said to them.

"We mastered the steps and the song already." Namjoon said.

I nodded eating my burger. "How about you In Ha, what will you perform?" I said.

"Oh...well the girls in our class are going to perform Likey by Twice. I'm in." She said. I nodded.


This is the shortest chapter ever😂
I'm just so excited for this book to finish😊 Kamsa😁

Hope u like this very short chapter☺️

Love lots💕,


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