birthdays pt.2 ⛵️

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serenity's pov

raoul: fight me
me: nah, imma loose bc you're too adorable
raoul: let me get another kiss then
me: noooo
raoul: that's what i thought.
he let go of my waist and went in the kitchen. i went upstairs to change for the party:

 i went upstairs to change for the party:

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

makeup & hair:

makeup & hair:

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

when i was doing my makeup, he came in

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

when i was doing my makeup, he came in.
i giggled.
we both laughed. i turned around and he pulled me close.
raoul: in all seriousness, you look too sexy to be 21
me: and in all seriousness, you need to get dressed.

i kissed his cheek and he went in the shower. i went downstairs and went on snapchat. i posted a video of me and instantly i got messages saying: "slay" or "fuck it up" and i smiled at the messages. when he came downstairs i looked at him, suprised. how tf can he look smexy, but not try:

me: HOW SWAYraoul: whatme: how tf can you look smexy and not tryraoul: you tell mei playfully rolled my eyes and went back on my phone

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

raoul: what
me: how tf can you look smexy and not try
raoul: you tell me
i playfully rolled my eyes and went back on my phone. he ran over and picked up off the couch and spun me around.

me: RAOUL!
raoul: this is why i love you
me: aww, you're gonna make me blush
raoul: i've never seen you blush omg!
i laughed and blushed a little.
raoul: awww, i see it
me: stopp. i whined i blushed more, smiling while hiding my face.
raoul: don't hide it, you're adorable when you blush
me: oh shit, what time is it
he checked his phone.
raoul: shit, we gotta go
we both ran to the car and he drove off.



me: who's house is this?raoul: ours for tonightme: YASSi started twerking and he laughed

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

me: who's house is this?
raoul: ours for tonight
me: YASS
i started twerking and he laughed.
me: how much was this?
raoul: 10k (ESTIMATE)
me: for me? adym would never do this. thank you
raoul: anything for my best friend.

i smiled and he intertwined our fingers and went to the door. when i got in everyone screamed "HAPPY BIRTHDAY". old friends, new friends, and some exes.
me: thanks guys!
everyone screamed and went over to the bar. i giggled and saw someone from 3rd grade.
paislee: OMG HEY GIRL
i ran over to her and hugged her.
me: how have you been?
paislee: good! i see you've been good. he looks raoul up and down and smirks.
me: this is my best friend. well, new boyfriend
he looked at me with wide eyes.
paislee: oh shit, who was your ex
me: adym
paislee: wait.. like... yorba?
me: yep
paislee: girl, was he abusive?
me: suprisingly, he wasn't. until he cheated on me..
paislee: not surprising
random voice: PAISLEE!
paislee: woww well, i gotta go, bye! it was nice seeing you
i hugged her and waved.

raoul: i'm your boyfriend now?
me: we act like a couple. i shrugged.
keyon: RAOUL!
oh shit...
raoul: let go quick
i quickly let go while keyon came over.
keyon: wassup man. he gave him a bro hug.
raoul: wassup
keyon: hello birthday girl. he smiled as he picked up my hand and kissed it.
me: hello keyon
keyon: how's being 21
me: it feels the sane
keyon: lets get your first drink
me: okay. can you come with me? i looked up at raoul.
he nodded and he places his hand on my lower back and we walked over to the bar. i sat on his lap while keyon sat with friends next to us.

keyon: what do you want?
me: any type of ciroc
keyo: you heard her
bartender: we have peach, is that good?
i nodded my head and smiled. he smiled back and poured some in a shot cup. he pushed it towards me and winked. i smiled and took a sip it wasn't that bad...
keyon: how is it?
me: eh
group of friends: AYEEEE!
keyon: anyway, what's happening here?? he looked at me sitting in his lap.
raoul: not your concern
keyon: i was asking her.
me: fr, it's not the serious
keyon: okay, so it's not serious that you're cheating on adym?
me: and it's not serious that he's been cheating on me with summer for 4 months. basically during my pregnancy?

group of friends+bartender: oh shit
keyon: with summer too? damn
me: yup. i took another sip.
raoul layed his head on my shoulder and kissed me on the neck while they were still talking.
they talked for a few and someone came on the mic.
guy: can i have everyone's attention?
everyone looked his way.
guy: everyone knows this party is for serenity, right?
they all yelled.
guy: who wants cake?
everyone all ran over to where the cake was.
guy: aye, wait, gotta wait for serenity

everyone moved out of the path to let me and raoul go. when we got up to the table, everyone sang happy birthday and i blew out the candles. everyone scream and i looked up at raoul. he looked down at me, smiled, and pecked me on the lips. everyone got their piece and went back to partying. us and the group of friends went back to the bar and talked. i got one more drink, because i didn't want to be too drunk. at 3 AM, everyone left. and now it's just me and him.

bully, to boyfriend? (adym yorba fanfic) [COMPLETED]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum