graduation ‼️

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serenity's pov

today is the day when i finally become an adult with the best people in the world. i wake up to see adym on his phone. he literally always waits for me to wake up.
adym: good morning
me: good morning. i kissed his cheek and rolled out of bed. i did my morning routine and got changed into this:

 i did my morning routine and got changed into this:

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and put my graduation gown over it. but, as i was doing my makeup, adym came in once again, recording, gassing me up. i laughed and played along. then, i hear the doorbell. the whole crew was coming over to my house. i opened the door to the whole crew with their cap and gowns on. me and adym hugged everyone and they sat down on my couch. i ran back upstairs to finish my makeup and put on my cap and gown. i ran downstairs and everyone was half asleep or sleeping.
me: y'all have woke up earlier than this, just stop
ny: but i'm tired
me: fuck we gotta get to the place in an hour. can we use your car adym?
adym: sure
i grabbed the keys and everyone got in the car. i drove off turning up to music to wake up us up, and it worked.

48 minutes later

we got to the venue and practiced one more time. next thing you know it, they call my name for my deploma and i'm turning the tassel.

adym's pov

it's time.

principal: adym, may you please come up and say a few words
i can do this. shit, im nervous. here goes nothing.
me: it feels great to be an adult, but, i couldn't do it without serenity marina may. serenity, can you come up.

serenity's pov

me? why me. i shrugged and went up. aw fuck, stage fright. fuck fuck fuck. act normal.

adym's pov

me: you know i love you right?
she nodded.
me: i want to take this opportunity to say this
i got down on one knee and everyone gasped.
me: i want to spend the rest of my life with you serenity. this isn't an engagement ring, but it's a promise ring. i want you to have my last name and my babies. serenity marina may, will you take this ring and be in my life forever?

bully, to boyfriend? (adym yorba fanfic) [COMPLETED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora