Guardian Angel (Itachi x Child! Reader)

Start from the beginning

"I promise to the care of you with everything I am. I promise to always love you and watch over you when I die.

. . .

  About five years later you knew of your father's plan. Although you didn't agree with it. He told you he would protect you in this life and the next.

  Whenever he was home you would spend your every moment with him and when he was gone the other members would either train you or entertain you. You see, you weren't childish in fact you were a lot like Itachi when he was your age. Minus the part of his father taking him to a battlefield.

  Today was your birthday and all members are suppose to be there for it. Except for one thing, you overheard Pein talking about security protocols. What does that mean? You went to you dad's room and dat on his bed. When he came in you smiled at him but he didn't smile back.

"Daddy what is wrong?" You ask fearing the worst.

"I have to fight Sasuke, my princess/son," he said in a saddened tone. You gasped and held your hand over your mouth.

"No dad! You can't leave me!" You cry running into his chest. "Please don't leave me! I don't want you to die!"

"I know but it must happen. I love you my precious son/baby," he poked your forehead and then used his Sharingan to knock you out. He gently placed you on his bed and tediously covering you with blankets. His tears streamed down his face knowing he will leave you by yourself. He kissed your forehead and wipped his tears before leaving to Sasuke. He left you a note in case for when you wake up. His last words to you.

. . .

  A few hours later, you awake to seeing a letter beside you. You jumped out of bed and demanded to know where he went. Kisame easily gave into your demand and you sprinted for your life. All you cared about was saving him.

  Arriving there you heard the battle and easily got to where they were fighting. Your eyes finally saw your only other relative, Sasuke or who you assumed was Sasuke. You watched as Itachi poked Sasuke's forehead and smile gently to him before he fell into the wall.

"DAD!" You screamed catching Sasuke's attention. You sprinted towards Itachi with the tears running down your face. However, you were stopped by Zetsu who wrapped his arms around you.

"No Y/N it isn't safe," both white and black Zetsu warns. 

"Unhand me! He's my father let go!" You bite his hand which immediately sets you free. You ran to him and gently grabbed him laying him down.

"Father. . .? Dad!" You weakly say as you check his heart. "Live dad please! You promised me you'd always protect me. Please. . . ."

"He's gone, accept that, " someone coldly states. Turning around your eyes met with those of Sasuke's.

"How could you kill him! How could you take him away from me!" You cried as you held Itachi's head. You rocked back and forth feeling the pain seep through your veins. "Father. . .you promised. Father! Daddy please come back, please. I need you, you always said that Sasuke would kill you but I doubted you. Please come back to me,  don't leave me too. I love you daddy."

"I'm sorry," Sasuke said half-heartily.

"No you're not. Don't lie to me,  Uncle Sasuke. It's mean to a girl whose father just died by your hands," you kissed your dad's forehead and then closed his eyes."Uncle Sasuke may I ask something of you?"


"Will you kill me too?" You looked up at him and saw his eyes widen. "I want to be with him."


"Y/N no!" White Zetsu inturupetes.

"Hush," you did a jutsu which made him paralyze. "I beg you Uncle Sasuke, let me be with my father!"

"No I cannot," he looked away.

"Why!?! You killed my father! Yet you refuse to kill me? You killed your brother but yet refuse to kill his only child?"

"Yes idiot. I can't kill you," he then activated his Sharingan.

"You do not intimidate me Uncle. If I can't die then let me be with you," you ask looking back down you your dad.

"Fine, just don't get in my way."

"Thank you," you slide Itachi's ring off and take his neckless and put them on. You then buried your father before taking one last look.  You took the letter out of your pocket which had some how managed to find it's way there. 

It said:

"Dear Y/N,
  I'm sorry I left you alone in this world.  I know I broke my promise unto you, but I swear I will watch over you.
  I'm sure you will come to our battle. Convince Sasuke to take you, for my sake. I love you so much.
  I meant to tell you this earlier but I'm not your biological father.  I found you abandoned in the woods and took you as my own. In my eyes you will always be my daughter/son. I wish I could spend lifetimes with you. I love you Y/N.

  I love you my precious angel/son.


Itachi Uchiha."

"Dad. . . ." You held his words close as you followed your uncle. In your heart he is your guardian angel.

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