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What had he done? His son thought that everyone hated him. Alfred didn't know that he was always welcomed for holidays and any other occasion just as all the others were. How could he have completely destroyed his son's heart?
Arthur had sat there pale and unresponsive to the others in the room. Matthew picked up the next paper and read it aloud to his whole family.
"Dear Father, I do not deserve my name or to even talk to anyone. I have new scars from testing the bombs before Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Japan's scars are almost gone but mine still remain. I'm sorry that I ever became a burden to you and the others. I am the one who should be screaming, not Japan. I deserve death. Why didn't you kill me when you had the chance?! The world would have been better off. I will forever be a soldier to my people, unknown. When I die, you will read these notes. Don't feel sad or guilty. I am undeserving of those feelings.
Alf—- America" Matthew's voice never wavered but his eyes were bright with tears while the others of the family were openly crying or were contemplating how to make Alfred realize that they never hated him. They read all the other notes after the meeting, not being able to corner Alfred after the meeting ended. They finished reading just in time to get changed for the next meeting on September 11th.
Arriving early and placing themselves around Alfred's chair was not hard. It was the first meeting since Alfred became a nation that he was late too. This concerned many nations as it did not bode well with them. When he entered the room with a bright smile and an apology upon his lips he noticed  the only free seat was in between Arthur and Matthew. He hid his nervousness and sat down, planning how to escape from the confrontation he thought would ensue. All of his siblings and family were arranged around the place so that he would not be able to avoid them at the end like he usually did. He sighed, a feeling of dread settling in his gut before he screamed and collapsed on the ground, spasming and begging for the pain to stop or for death. Wounds opened all over his body, blood staining the carpet. Arthur and Matthew started to take immediate action. Austin, Australia, looked around the room and saw Iraq or Iran smiling at the pain America was suffering. He would tell the others later. 

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