A Family Torn Apart

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AN: I figured out that I misspelt the title of the story but I do not know how to fix the cover. I am sorry
The Revolutionary War took a drastic blow to a young nation. America didn't care anymore. He'd just lost everything for his people. He chose to follow the will of his people. Now he must live with his choices and never allow England or any of the others in his family to know how desperate he is for them or how he is spiraling into an abyss of his own making. He never thought to hope that his family would miss him or even still want to speak to him. Than his people attacked his brother and started a fire. He cried as the buildings burned and lives drained away. He never wanted the war but it came. He worried for his brother, seeking him out. Matthew was alright, only a small piece of skin burned and a loaded gun pointed at Alfred's chest. Alfred was just happy to see that Matthew was alright and alive. Matthew knew he could never kill his younger brother and growled. He knocked his brother out and leaving him to be found by the retreating Americans.

When DC was in flames, he screamed for his people until his voice was raw and blood poured from his mouth. The pain of the flames crawling on his skin was only matched by the pain in his heart as he saw children burning or becoming orphans. He was burning. His land was burning, his people screaming, the city being covered in the blood of innocent and guilty alike. Matthew, Arthur, Ian, and William found him watching the city burn as the rain came down. He was on his side, face towards the city, his back to the family he had lost in doing was he had believed was right. The flames on his body had died out long before they had found him in the chaos of the flames. He no longer felt the pain, only felt numb. He wished that they would kill him as he did not deserve to live.

"Get up, America. It can't be that bad. Even Matthew was able to move." Arthur mocked the boy. Alfred's throat was so burnt, no noise could escape. He could barely breathe through the blood pooling in his mouth. Matthew couldn't take it. He had to see the same pain in America's eyes as he had in his two years ago. He grabbed the shoulder of the still soldier and forced it to the ground roughly. He was met with a small whimper and the gaze of his brother. Eyes that held tears and were filled with pain, despair, desperation, pleading, but most of all, forgiveness for Matthew and Arthur. Matthew saw the burns, could feel the heat radiating, the warm blood from the wounds. His hand was completely soaked in blood from merely touching the American for a moment. Alfred was burnt almost to a crisp, and he, Matthew, the older sibling had caused this. He forced himself to break eye contact and walk back to Arthur, pale and consumed by guilt. Arthur saw the look in Matthew's eyes, the paleness of his face, and a feeling of dread grew in the empire's stomach. He rushed to the American, falling to his knees beside his son. William and Ian close behind to help bandage their nephew. He almost vomited as he saw his son with burns he had only ever seen on a moral. His heart broke when he saw his son trying to back away, terrified of the man who had raised him. Arthur grabbed the burnt shoulders gently to hold Alfred still.
"Do not back away, Alfred. I will not hurt you. Never again." Arthur promised as he and Ian started to move the young country to a safe area. Alfred tried to fight back in his weak and terribly wounded state. Arthur placed him under a spell to make him sleep. They nursed a comatose Alfred back into health as much as they could before the war ended and they had to leave.

That was the last time Arthur had seen his son, knowing that Alfred would hate him. Disaster struck in the form of World War One. America hesitated to join. Once the Americans did, the war was over. No one had seen America though. World War Two then Pearl Harbor, Americans joining the war immediately. Americans fought harder than anything the modern world had seen before, inventing new weapons, strategies, ships, planes, and cars. The nations were shocked when the young country dropped not one but two bombs and ended a war that could have caused countless lives and lasted for many more years.

America never looked at his family but they watched him. They saw how young he acted but how old he looked. They watched him grow and they were proud of the nation he had become. They were amazed by his kindness and his forgiveness. They continued to love him and they missed him greatly.

He thought they hated him. He thought he had lost his family and that they would never want a mistake such as him. He never deserved them. He never used the name Alfred because he didn't deserve it. He was useless and a waste. He wished that Matthew or Arthur had killed him when they had a chance.

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