Chapter 8 - Jealous (A Sign of Love)

Start from the beginning

Arjun, "I don't want to be" he hangs up the call angrily.

Arjun don't want to go home, he forget the time and sit there silently lost in his own deep thoughts. It's been a while, suddenly he hears Radhika's voice little far.

He get up hastily and runs towards the voice and gets shocked seeing Radhika and Karthik coming towards him. Radhika stops looking at him and runs towards him, she hugs him tightly scolding him, "Idiot, where were you? I was so worried for you. You did not even attend my call also. I was so much worried of not seeing you for two hours."

Arjun, "Am I here for two hours?"

Radhika looks at his face angrily and slaps him, "Haan, you made me mad for two hours"

Arjun smiles looking at her angry face and pulls her nose, "I am happy that you worried for me"

Karthik intervenes, "Boss, not only her she made every one of us also worried and shouting others to search you. She made us a search engine to find you in this small village"

That's the time Arjun notices him, the default anger rise seeing him, make Arjun go wild. He intentionally wraps his arms around Radhika and kiss on her forehead looking at Karthik saying, "I am sorry"

Radhika frees her from him saying, "I was scared sending you alone in this new place and worried since it's night time and thought you might gone to a wrong route. Thank God, finally got you"

Arjun, "That's why I asked you to accompany me; you did not even care me and now showing fake concern"

Rads in shock, "Fake? You said my worries were fake? How dare you?"

She started beating him and he runs everywhere to get escape from her beatings. Suddenly both looks at Karthik who hissed in pain holding his legs.

Radhika screams seeing a snake moving from there to the fields after biting Karthik. Arjun rushes to him for help and holds him from falling.

Radhika, "Arjun, we should stop the venom before it gets mixed in his blood"

Arjun, "How?"

Radhika, "Like in movies, they will tie some clothes just above the place where the snake bite"

Arjun, "Yes, I have seen. Okay give me your dupatta"

Radhika holds it saying, "It's a new one"

Karthik wincing in pain, "Arey, I will buy you bundle of dupattas for you, now please give yours and tie it before I die"

Radhika makes faces and ties the cloth on his legs above the wound.

Arjun, "How can we take him to home?"

Karthik in faint voice, "I am sure, I will die before you guys get me treated"

Radhika, "Lift him Arjun"

Arjun, "What?"

Karthik again in a faint voice, "You would have lifted me by now if I would be a girl right. Just imagine me as a girl and lift me. I can't walk"

Radhika, "Do it Arjun. Fast, we don't have time. We have to rush"

Arjun rolls his eyes and scoops Karthik in his arms in a bridal style and runs towards their home.

While running only, in between his breathes Arjun asked, "Radhika, is there any hospital nearby?"

Radhika, "Yes, we have to go left to hospital. But not sure whether the doctor and nurse are there or not?"

Arjun without wasting any seconds, runs towards the hospital. They reached soon and he shouts for the doctor to check Karthik's health.

Meanwhile, Radhika informs to her dad and tells them to come to hospital soon.

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