Chapter 13

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Thank you, sister, for the beautiful song above ^^ It was a nice surprise to see when I opened up the chapter.

Anyways, on to the story!

Elena sat at the kitchen table, her book open in front of her, but she wasn't actually reading any of it. She had her head propped up on her hand, lifting up the page as if to turn it, but not actually turning it. She had been in the same paragraph for the last ten minutes.

Yuuri was washing dishes, watching his daughter out of the corner of his eye. Victor was at the ice rink doing some work and Jacob was at a friend's house, so it was just the two of them, and it was quiet. 

He put the last plate on the rack and dried his hands, turning around to face Elena. He threw the towel over his shoulder and leaned against the counter. "Everything alright?"

Her head shot up and she looked at him confused. "Hmm?"

"Everything alright?" He repeated. "You've been on that same page for half an hour,  just staring at it."

She shook her head and looked back down at the book. "No, I'm fine."

Yuuri raised an eyebrow as he moved to sit in front of her. "Are you sure?"

She was quiet as she played with the page she was ready to turn. "When... when did you know you liked Papa?"

"I've always liked him." He replied, his eyebrows knit together. 

"No, like, like like him?" She looked up, hoping he understood.

He did, and a smile began to tug at his lips. "Does this have to do with a crush?"

She looked back down. "I- I'm not sure, yet."

He leaned his arms against the table. "Well, I had butterflies in my stomach, I still do get them sometimes, and all I wanted to do was be with him."

"But... how do I know? What- what if... what if I don't actually like him, and I'm just... just..." She stared at her book sadly.

Yuuri smiled softly. "That's for you to find out. Don't worry about it too much, okay? Take some time, and sort things out."

She opened her mouth to say something else when the door opened. "I'm home!"

Yuuri turned to see his husband come inside. "Welcome back."

Victor paused at the entrance to the kitchen, looking between his husband and distraught daughter. "What happened?"

Yuuri smiled and looked at Elena, who blushed and buried her face in her arms. "Noooo...."

"Someone has a crush." Yuri said in a sing-song voice, receiving another small 'Nooooo...' from his daughter. 

Victor's smiled wide as he slid into a seat next to his daughter. "So? Who is it?" 

She looked up her face red. "Papa!"

He just continued to smile and looked at her expectantly. 

"No!" She groaned again and stood, picking up her book. "I have to finish reading." 

"Aw! Come on!" Victor cried. "Tell me!"

She giggled as she began to walk up the stairs. "Nope!"

Dancing on Blades - Yuri!!! On ICE and OHSHCWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt