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 I think I'm on the roll now with all the pent up emotions inside me clamouring to come out:P I was taking my shower when I remembered all the poems I had wanted to write and had put on hold, and I became angry at myself. So, I sat down, and everything came out:P Anyway, this was inspired by a male friend of mine who told me how he just couldn't talk to the girl he liked. He tries, really, but it just doesn't come out. So, I tried to capture the essence of what he told me:) For you, dear:) 


I think that a spell has been cast upon me,

By an evil witch, with yellow eyes.

No? You don’t think so?

Then why am I not speaking anything right?

Sure, I’ve read about this before,

How when you’re with the person you like,

Your throat catches up, and you become mute.

All these, by the way, happen by just mere sight.

But for some reason, it alarms me,

Frightens, terrifies and shocks me.

After all, I’m supposed to be good at words,

For I sing with a guitar, in the shower, or when I’m asleep.

So, explain to me how I’m stumped,

And at complete loss for words.

When she walks by, her perfume diffusing;

And my mental “hello” goes unanswered.

No matter how hard I try,

Nothing ever seems to come out; No whispers, no bluffs.

Valentine’s day date? Gone.

Her birthday surprise? Not bloody loud enough.

So all I can do now is sit here and watch,

Watch the girl I love disappear.

All these, just because I can’t speak,

Silent and mute because of terror and fear. 

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