Sixth Sense.

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They say grief pushes inspiration out because it consumes the mind. Maybe all this grief has some use after all. Enjoy(: 


It’s that prickly little unrest,

Soaking up your dry gut.

This out-of-place feeling that suddenly occurs,

Like someone’s not playing their part.

You don’t understand why,

But everything feels wrong.

You frown all the time,

Because the song was all wrong.

Is it that? No, maybe it’s the skies-

They’re too cloudy for the summer.

Wait, no, maybe it was the winds,

That made today feel like a bummer.

Oh wait, maybe it’s the colours,

The rainbow is not in it’s proper form.

It’s trying too hard to stay upright,

But it’s simply just too long.

You get all muddled up,

Because there is just that something.

Something that’s at the back of your head,

Hammering its way at nothing.

And out of the blue,

You suddenly get it.

It becomes crystal clear, shiny blue,

So simple that you wonder why you’ve never seen.

Maybe it’s that tiny slip-up in their lies,

That gaping truth for a second.

Because the layers of lies are so thick,

Everything becomes a big game of pretend.

And now you know,

That it’s your sixth sense doing it’s job.

Wiping away the stuff they sought to conceal,

Polishing their shiny faults. 

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