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Today, I stared into the mirror

And realized that my eyes were actually brown-

The same color of the hair dye I use

To snuff out the black with freedom newfound

In release. I paint my nails black

Because I never ever do,

And I try to feel good about myself

Because inside, it is all blue.

And red and yellow and green-

I no longer know what I am doing.

The grass around me is turning pale yellow,

Sick with dehydration; dying.

Do I care about my results then?

The judgment of an education system I detest,

Or do I concern myself with the lack of water

That is felt and unfelt in this unrest?

Five hundred years ago, with this weather

We would have parched cattle and dead sheep

But in luxury, we reign with unstoppable liquids

And stay in denial about the questions in the deep

So I am trying to figure out why

I stood transfixed at the mirror staring

At strange colours inside me I've never noticed

Because I have never been daring

Enough to look at my face clearly

Or feel this world too dearly

Because I wake up intoxicated with the bleary

Quality of my life that I lose sight of what really

Is important.

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