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Sanity can only be present,

If the mind is healthy and very much stable.

Once its knocked off balance,

It rolls off the hill into the real stables.

Stables are dirty, and full of dung,

But that depends on the goats that live in it.

Hang on, do goats live in stables?

Or do they just sit in pastures and eat?

I think pastures are pretty and wonderful,

Because you can only see green and blue.

Blue is a rather pretty color,

They remind me of the sea; green with sapphire hues.

The seas can get pretty scary at night,

Because you can’t really see anything.

I think there are mermaids out there though,

Combing their long hair and singing.

I can’t sing properly, you know,

But I still like singing in the toilet.

La la la la , are you listening to me?

Or peeking? You’re a pervert.

Perverts have rather insane minds,

Because its all twisty and murky inside.

I mean, normal brains are supposed to be happy and smiley,

But theirs are kind of green and full of spite.

I wonder how the brains of crazy people look like,

With their antics and extra bright eyes.

Maybe its blue because of the aeroplanes inside,

That zoom around and kill the bird that flies.

Maybe that bird represents sanity,

Because the one in my mind is dead.

It got shot down by nuclear missiles,

Because its too slow. It’s just fate.

Oh I see, so that’s why,

I don’t think I’m making sense anymore.

You see, since I’ve lost sanity,

And I think I’m going to fall.

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