Chapter 26: Dracula's Dance. Part II.

Start from the beginning

“Let’s go.” I whispered with a vigorous tone. Frank’s hand left mine, I walked with a hop in my step towards the person who graffitied the wall with determination. I could hear footsteps from behind me, knowing that my family decided to come along with me. My light jacket kept me warm as a breeze rolled in. I approached the artist with caution.

“Hello.” I greeted. This frightened him; he jumped and immediately turned his attention to me. I put my hands out in front of me, showing him that I mean no harm. I don’t know how I could be too scary; I’m a short chick with a youthful face. He noticed everyone coming closer to us, seeming a little nervous.

“Don’t worry, we want to join you. If that’s okay?” I asked him with a carefree tone. Rae, Gerard, Ray, Christa, Mikey, Alicia and Bob stood among me, smiling from ear to ear. He then smiled as well, flashing us his pearly whites. He had defined cheekbones and piercing blue eyes I could even see in the dark of night. His height was above average for as young he probably is. He wore dull shaded clothing; we all know why he chose this attire.

He nodded his head, looking everyone in the eyes.

“I’m Damien.” He introduced himself smoothly. We all introduced ourselves as well, we all shook his hand and were already growing to like this guy a lot. He had started his creation already; it was partially done on the wall. It was the beginning of a bundle of flowers. Damien stepped a few feet back, unveiling around 10 cans of spray paint, gesturing towards them.

“Go for it.” Was all he said before we lunged towards the cans of various colored paint like lions pouncing on their prey. We all began to conduct our graffiti pieces, shaking the cans and hearing the noise of the paint spraying itself on the bare, drab, lifeless wall. I knew what I wanted to display upon this wall. I went for it, spraying happily and effortlessly. Everyone talked to one another, Damien included. Laughter filled the air as we all were being creative. I felt like I was 15 again. I felt like I was out with a group of my misfit friends that lied to our parents just so we could get out and graffiti walls and flip the town upside down. I feel free.

As time flew by, yet seemed to stand still just for us, we were all finally finished. The chatting about odd jobs we’ve all had, school, music, artists, movies, supernatural encounters and bad breakups came to a stop. It went silent as we all stood back and gazed upon the artwork each of us created.

Damian’s bundle of flowers was now being held in the hands of a little boy, holding them out with a sorrowful look on his face. A woman was standing in front of the boy, yet her back was turned to him with a gleeful expression on her face. That piece of art meant that sometimes kids beg for attention and try hard to get it, yet never get noticed because everyone is too busy noticing something they think is far better than them. But eventually, those kids are the ones that grow up and end up doing something significant that does get noticed.

Frank had spray painted a UFO, beaming down on two human figures, their backs turned while they looked up. They were filled in with black. To me, this meant that no matter what two people that love each other go through, and what they’re faced with, they can overcome it and make it out alive. Nothing can come between the affinity they have for one another.

Rae’s graffiti art was a short, cartoon comic strip. It was of a cat, looking intrigued by a flying bird. It went from that, to the cat chasing, and jumping for the bird that soared. At the end, the cat didn’t catch the bird, it had given up, and moved on something it was just as fascinated by. Then, the last part was of the bird, flying high. It simply couldn’t be touched. This one meant that no matter what tries to trap you, or hurt you, or bring you down, can be defeated by never giving up.

Gerard had brought to life a character his creative mind came up with. It was a warrior. She had war paint on her angular face, and weapons at hand. The warrior wore some amount of armor, and looked guarded yet peaceful. Cuts and scars covered her body from head to toe. This was quite simple to understand for me. It means to be a fighter. It lets you know that if you have issues, scars, and bruises, that, that’s okay. A warrior lives inside all of us.

Bob had painted a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle on the brick, Leonardo to be precise. It wasn’t all that original, but hey, it was a funny sight and well done.

Christa’s artwork was very beautiful, her and Raymond both. They had each made an elaborate design, and intertwined them together. It made your eyes wander. The colors and the swirls were interesting. The design curled inwards into a more geometric pattern. It was gorgeous.

Alicia had made a dark storm cloud, rain falling below it flowingly. At the bottom of the wall, sat an empty chair. It was a simple piece of art but it definitely had meaning. This meant to me, that when times are rough, and you feel depressed or angry, you can change it. You can get up off your seat and be happy.  You can make a change instead waiting for a change.

Mikey’s graffiti was deep. It was a tunnel full of different things. There was trash, body parts, blood, etc. The dark tunnel was full of various, horrific things, but at the end of the tunnel was a bright light. The message attached to this one was one I am familiar with. There’s always light at the end of the tunnel. There’s always hope.

Lastly, I gazed at my own artwork. I was the only one that used words. I’m a writer, I like to use words. I had spray painted a large bomb on the wall, the words spray painted in white inside of the bomb was sheer my mind. It read ‘They create to harm, yet not to protect.’ This quote of mine meant that, they created the atomic bomb to kill, yet they created nothing to protect anyone from it. People always seem to find a way to harm someone else, yet no one does much to protect another person.

The artwork that concealed the wall was breath taking. The street lamps’ lights filtered into the wide alley. That feeling came back to me, feeling like a rebel without a care in the world, just knowing that I had a point to prove.

“Wow.” I gasped as my eyes danced among the art. I was pressed up against Frank as he wore a stunned expression. Everyone wore amazed faces, absolutely astounded by the beauty.

Everyone parted ways not too long after that, Rae had work in the morning and it was getting late so Frank and I carelessly wandered home, hand in hand; dumbly in unconceivable love with each other. Frank’s impatient ambition had me against the brick wall in the dark alleyway; his arms caged me in so I couldn’t escape. Frank’s lips assaulted my neck, leaving trails of wet kisses all over the nape of my neck. The way his icy cold lip piercing pressed against my hot skin made my knees feel like jelly. Each time his tongue or teeth grazed against my pulse I fell further into oblivion. He let out a husky growl as he pinched my earlobe between his teeth; his hands began to wander to places that weren’t acceptable to touch in public. I pressed my hands against his pecks and gently pushed him away. He gave me a pathetic, needing expression.

“Easy there, cowboy, let’s hold off the heavy petting for when we’re home.” I breathed heavily at the absence of his body coiled around mine and his lips ravaging my neck. I don’t remember much of what happened in the time space between the alleyway and our front door; but I remember everything I felt, physical and emotional. I remember the sights and smells, I remember the sounds. There was no screaming or headboard breaking; it was nice.  

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