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Hey! *dodges hoardes of knives and various sharp objects being thrown at me* ARGH!

Okay, so i deserved that, but listen here me out!

So this story is completely written, uploaded and finished on my fanfiction account, but on here its unfinished. Theres a reason why.

I was new to wattpad when i posted this, and i fucked up the way I wanted it spaced out and even the order of chapters is messed up in my drafts, so I've just given up on sorting it. 


This story will be completed, but it will also be rewritten, so i can sort a few details, grammar, and spelling mistakes, so stick around a little longer :3 It'll be worth the wait I promise! 

You guys ARE AMAZING, seriously, i owe so much to you, including this story! AND IT WILL BE FINISHED ON HERE, I SWEAR!

Only a little bit longer, I swear!

Lots of love, 

- Ruby xxx

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2017 ⏰

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