Chapter five

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At ten the next day, Elizabeth brushed her hair and put on her white slipper flats. Her white night dress swayed around her knees.

There was a knock at the door and Meliodas stood in the doorway, giving a cheesy grin.

"Hey, Elizabeth, going somewhere?" He said happily.

"Yes, actually" Elizabeth replied, "I've got a meeting with Arthur and my family today"

Meliodas' face fell but he forced a smile.

"Oh well, good luck with that" and he turned to leave.

"Wait, Meliodas!" Elizabeth called and Meliodas stopped. "If you want you can wait here, I shouldn't be long, and after you can meet my sisters and maybe my father"

Meliodas' smile grew and he jumped on her bed.

"Sure I'll wait for you here" he wiggled his eyebrows, "only if you'll join me later"

Elizabeth turned red, "Meliodas!" She cried. Meliodas laughed and picked up the leather bound book and flicked through it.

"Woah, you've been busy. This looks amazing" Elizabeth blushed and looked away.

"Thank you, I just hope the story is written well"

"I'm sure it's great" Meliodas assured her, "We'll read this at the next club meeting on Saturday"

Elizabeth cocked her head, "Is it not on tomorrow?" Meliodas shook his head.

"Diane and King have therapy, there's no point in going if there's only going to be four of us"

There was another knock at the door and Merlin appeared in her white coat.

"Hello, captain. Are you ready to go, Elizabeth?"

"Yes. I'm ready. See you later, Meliodas"

He waved and Elizabeth walked out the room and to Arthur's office.


When she got there, her sisters, Gilthunder and Baltra were already there. Arthur was sat at his desk and gave Elizabeth a grin as she came in. Vivian and Merlin stood behind him. Elizabeth sat next to Margaret and Gil, she noticed Vivian staring at him.

"So" Arthur said, "Let's begin"

Everyone nodded.

"Elizabeth, you were diagnosed with this illness two years ago, yes?"


"And you were fine up until a week or two ago when you began experiencing problems with your legs, your father called us and we decided to keep you under surveillance. Correct?"

Elizabeth nodded.

"So far you've been doing okay. You're not getting worse at the moment, however this may change in the near future, if it does the prospect of surgery will become more real"

Elizabeth gulped and grasped Margaret's hand, she nodded.

"If you do need surgery there is an average 50-50 chance of survival but that depends on the persons immune system and strength. The procedure takes about four hours, again this depends on the person. At the rate you're at its unlikely you'll need surgery"

Elizabeth sighed in relief and glanced at Margaret, she was smiling softly back at her.

"If you decide to have children they'll have an estimated 40-60 chance of inheriting your disease"

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