Chapter 2

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Sorry I had to unpublish and republish the story due to complications. Thanks for dealing with my crap!                                 
3rd POV

    Aerin woke up, stretching her arms wide as she looked around the room. Her saviors were still asleep, sheltered by Rhysand's wings. Relaxing, she took off her cloak, deciding to give her ears and tail a break, quickly reciting the spell she learned a year ago.

    "Your wound is mine. My wound is mine. Echoing message of midnight. Cinder Ella." Magic swirled around Aerin as her ears and tail revealed themselves. She began packing up, in an attempt to leave before the others woke. She was just out the door when Rhysand spoke.

    "Where are you going?" Aerin froze, and began reciting her spell on reflex, panicking when the ability to speak left her. 'Shit, a dametai' thoughts rushed through her head, and she mentally swore at how stupid she was to refuse those shielding lessons a year ago. Frozen in place, Aerin glared at Rhysand as he spoke again.

    "I will let you speak, but you must tell us where you were going, and why." Aerin continued to glare, but thought her agreement, flinching as talons raked down the insides of her mind.

    "I was leaving to go back into the forest. I only associate with people when I have to, it makes life easier. I only left for a night of sleeping somewhere other then a cave."

    Feyre took in her ears and tail. "You're lesser fae."

    "Not exactly..."

    "Then what are you?" Rhysand asked.

    "Why in the Cauldron and Mother would I tell you?" Aerin questioned, scowling.

    Rhys stared at her, watching for her reaction. "Because I am a High Lord and could end your life in seconds."

    Aerin rolled her eyes and snorted, "Like I haven't heard that before, I swore I would never believe that again. I'm no idiot."

    Rhysand sighed, contemplating it would endanger them further, but on the other side it would convince the girl... He released the glamour on his power, just allowing the barest bits to slip through. Aerin stumbled back as night and wind blew through the room, as her eyes widened, she quickly divulged her secret.

    "I'm a demi-fae." Aerin looked away in shame, as she said it, her rounded ears stark against her black hair. Rhys's eyes widened marginally, and then he spoke softly.

    "Where were you born?" He questioned her. She glared at him fiercely.

    "Once again why in the Caldron and Mother should I tell you?"

     Feyre spoke softly, "We wont harm your family, you have no need to worry." Aerin snorted before sighing.

    "What family?"

    "Well don't you have family on the other side of the wall?"

    "I only had my mother. And she died. There is no one waiting for me on that side of the wall." Feyre stared at the girl in sympathy.


    "Typhus, when I was 15." Feyre stiffened before embracing the girl. Aerin struggled for a bit before marginally relaxing.

    Feyre spoke into her shoulder after a moment of silence, "I'm sorry, I know how you feel."

    Aerin looked up at her, the question written all over her face, had she lost a loved one to disease? They were fae, surely they had a way to cure such things?

    Feyre answered the unspoken question, "You probably won't belive this, but up until about six months ago I was human." Aerin blinked. She blinked twice.


    As Feyre finished her (shortened) explanation of what happened under the mountain, Rhys was deciding whether or not to take in the girl. She was the first demi-fae in generations, but why was she here? Shouldn't she be on the mortal side of the wall? Who was her father? And if she was only half fae, how powerful was she?

    He shook it off putting the majority of the thinking aside for later. He would take her in.

    He spoke up for the first time since Feyre had started her explanation, "Would you like to stay with us?"

    The demi-fae looked at him, brows raised. "What's in it for me?"

    "You get a safe place to sleep, free food, and a place to come home to." Rhys said to the girl.

    She looked at him eyes narrowed, "Why? Why are you helping me? You're a High Lord, surely you have better things to do than help random demi-fae?" She paused, "And don't think I haven't heard the stories about you and your court Rhysand."

    "Not everything you hear is true." He responded easily.

    Aerin leaned against the wall, "You never answered my questions..."

    Rhys sighed, "Because I want to, and I do have better things to do, but none of them are nearly as interesting."

    "How do I know you aren't tricking me? That you aren't truly wicked?"

    Feyre answed her question, "You don't, and not everyone you meet is wicked."

    "But most I meet are, besides, everyone who helps me winds up dead, I doubt you want to do the same." Feyre took in Aerin again, took in the bit of past she had revealed, before speaking.

    "We won't." And then the world disappeared in smoke and mist.


    Sorry if it's a bit confusing, if you need help understanding anything just ask. I'll help you myself, or someone else probably will. Please point out any major plotholes.

-Magically, Azzy

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