He turned around immediately and saw Jungkook lying motionless on the ground. He immediately called for ambulance , he was breaking down once again.

They paramedics said they would arrive in a couple of minutes and that was the fastest they could , since the nearest hospital isn't that near either.

He kneeled down and embraced Jungkook tightly.

"Kookie! Stay with me , stay! Don't leave , its not time! They'll be here very soon , bear for a while more. I promise you , you'll be fine." Taehyung said while sobbing hard.

He was so scared. He was scared he've lost Jungkook - the one he love , the one he've been stealing glances at all the time , the one whom made his heart skip beats , the one whom he love to embrace , also the one that made him feel butterflies in his stomach.

The next moment , he heard something coming. He knew it was the paramedics , he let out a sigh of relief but that didn't exactly meant Jungkook was fine. Jungkook wasn't even conscious.

*At The Hospital's Waiting Room*

All of their friends came , including Jungkook's mother. Taehyung was apologising for probably the thousandth time. He insisted that it was his fault that Jungkook collpased.

But she didn't blame Taehyung at all , she knew Jungkook's condition was deteriorating and this would happen sooner or later.

Most of them was just seating in the waiting room , waiting for the doctor to be out with a piece of news. But Taehyung simply couldn't stay still. He've been pacing in and out of the room , hoping someone could give him an answer quickly.

He was desperate to find out what exactly happened to Jungkook , what makes him collpased twice in a day.

*30 Minutes Later*

The doctor was finally out. He wasn't in there for long though , but it felt like years to the worried ones waiting.

"Hey doc! How's Kookie?" Taehyung asked immediately when he saw the doctor walked into the waiting room.

Some of them remained seated down , some of them stood up , hoping to get a good news.

"I'm extremely sorry to say ... But Jungkook's heart failed , it stopped pumping due to the amount of liquid build up around it." He stopped , due to the reactions he was getting.

But he had to continue no matter what sort of reactions he's getting.

"One of the nurses is now making a call to see if anyone could transplant a heart to him. But of course , it wouldn't be easy. The patient needs to be someone who's suffering from brain dead or will be permanently coma , then we could get a heart transplant for Jungkook."

Before anyone in the room could say another word , the nurse shouted.


The doctor went out to see and the nurse simply shook her head. His face tells the others everything. They knew what it meant , there wasn't anyone whom can give their heart to Jungkook.

"I can!" Taehyung said

Everyone gasped.

"W-What?" The doctor asked

"I can give mine to him , right?!" Taehyung said

"Y-Yes ... B - But-" The doctor tried to speak but Taehyung didn't allow him anymore.

"No buts. No one can stop me , my mind is made."

"Uhh , i don't have the rights to say anything."

"Hey! Prepare the OR!" The doctor shouted to the front desk.

"Come with me." The doctor informed Taehyung.

"Wait!" Jungkook's mother stopped him , "are you very sure? What about your parents? They don't have a clue yet."

"This can't wait , Jungkook needs a heart now. I'm sure you will tell them on behalf of me , right?" He smiled , before leaving the waiting room with the doctor.

"T-Thank you." She mumbled before kneeling down and sob.

All of them crowded around her and comforted her as well as each other.

- To Be Continued -

A/N : I know the songs i include doesn't really suit the chapters sometimes but still , it does have the kinda sad vibes (?)

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