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          Jungkook remembers the first time he's gotten sick when he was younger. It was simply a painful experience and something he wished he hadn't remembered.

Jungkook's mother was a single mom , his dad left her when she still had Jungkook in her womb.

When Jungkook was born , Mrs Jeon , was told that he wouldn't live for long due to his heart condition. She feared for the worst every day ever since she gave birth to him.

To everyone's surprised , Jungkook survived his entire childhood. No one expected that , not his mother , not the doctors nor nurses. They all expected his heart to be too weak and couldn't hold on for too long after being born.

Once even , during Jungkook's 5th birthday , he's gotten a terribly high fever that his mother afraid it would damage his brain or affect his heart in one way or another.

Fortunately , he was sent to the hospital in time and survived. But he had to stay in the hospital for almost 2 weeks with heavy medications every single day , without fail. He was just struggling with his childhood.

          As he grew up , he came to realise that he couldn't be like other kids. He couldn't stay out and play basketball like they did , he couldn't participate in most of the sports they did in school. Whenever he asks his mother why , the only thing he got was getting ignored.

As a kid , he was really upset about it. He gets really whiny and yet his mother was firm about it. Jungkook couldn't participate in sports that requires running around or jumping too much but most of the sports requires these actions.

When he was 13 , he joined a vocal class. He didn't had amazing vocals but still , he didn't mind giving it a shot. It was something that he could spent time doing after school and hang out with his friends. There'll always be singing contests and Jungkook and his friends will never fail to give it a miss.

There's many times when they did not get into the top 3 but all of them were determined to strive for the first place in the next contest. They practiced every day , every night together without fail.

His mother was glad that he might have found something he'll show interest in even though it wasn't a sport.

During the next singing contest , Jungkook and his team indeed gotten the first place. He've gotten himself a certificate and a trophy. He was so proud of his team and himself , their hardwork paid off at last. He couldn't ask for any better.

          When Jungkook turned 15 , he's mother bought him a basketball for his birthday. When he got home from school and saw it , he's jaw dropped wide open. He thought it was a mistake.

"Why would there be a basketball in my apartment? Wrong delivery?"

He then realised it was his mother who got it for him as a birthday present. He was so happy that he didn't even know how to express it using words.

"Thank you Eomma! I promise i'll take care of myself when playing!"

All he did was watch others play previously , now he could play it too. But , it wasn't as simple as it seems. But that did not make him stop practicing daily , he'll make sure he finishes his daily assignments and head out to practice his basketball skills.

Although he's mother only allow him to practice for one and a half hours daily , he was more than glad. If it was other kids , they'll probably be arguing with their parents about the duration they're given.

The first ever incident that changed Jungkook's life the most was probably the incident that occured when he was 18. He had a bad infection and fluid was build up around his heart. It was so painful that it had woken him up from his sleep in the middle of the night.

He wanted to hold back his tears because he didn't want to see himself , whom is a 18 year old , to be crying over such matters. But he couldn't handle the heavy pain around his chest area and therefore , he allowed tears to stream down his cheeks and soft sobs escape his lips.

Coincidentally , Jungkook's mother was heading to the bathroom when she heard soft sobs coming from Jungkook's room. Without a second thought , she rushed in to check on him.

She immediately dialled for the ambulance when she saw him scrunching his face from pain. The sight of Jungkook being in pain was simply tearing her soul apart. She was so afraid she would lose him , which she could anytime.

Fortunately for Jungkook , his life was saved once again. But this time round , he had to stay longer than before. He was admitted to hospital for about a month plus.

He's been telling his mother from the second week after his admission that he's well and he could be discharged. But due to his health issues , the doctors and his mother couldn't allow that. His condition needed to be watched closely as the infection could cause serious damage to his other organs , not just his heart.

- To Be Continued -

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