Chapter 21 Yes

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"That is ... so smooth," Regina breathes, finally after about sixty seconds, and Killian kneels in front of her. She can't help but put her hand over her mouth, at this sudden surprise, "Regina..." he pauses, and she beams down at him, biting her bottom lip, preventing herself from screaming. "Will you marry me?" he asks. "YES!!!" She yelps right away, he laughs,and places the ring on her finger. 

Regina leaps into his arms as he stands, "Well, that was easier than I thought it would be," He said. "Why?" Regina asks, "I don't know, I just was nervous you wouldn't say yes," he shrugs. "I love you, we're doing great, and the baby is .... coming, It's.. perfect," She smiles. He smiles back at her, and kisses her, gently holding her chin. 

Both of their phones buzz, and they shift, pulling them out of their pockets, they look at the texts, and their joy changes to worry. They both get their jackets and quickly rush from the apartment, and head to the hospital. 

Hand in hand, they rush down the hallway, and see Ruby and Lacey, and Graham, "What the hell happened?" Regina asks, gently putting her hand on Ruby's arm, who's clearly distressed. "Someone jumped him, we don't know, we think he was getting there really early, we went inside, place wasn't robbed, he was banged up on the floor," Graham explained. "David here?" Killian asks, "Yeah, he's in there with him," Lacey nods. 

"Nothing was taken, he wasn't even robbed, neither was the register," Graham said, "Well the hell with the money, did they tell you if Elliot is ok?" Regina asks, "Look," Killian points at David heading towards them. "He's ok, making jokes, and says he's fine," David shrugs. "Any idea who would have done that?" Regina asks. "I don't know, I mean he's a gay black man, about a thousand possible people?" David asks. 

The group sighs, the way of the world is sadly like this, and they head into the room. "Oh geez, not everyone had to show up," Elliot sighs. "Well you don't look too bad," Ruby and Lacey each kiss his cheeks. "Think I look a bit more rugged like Killian and Graham," Elliot smiles. The cut on his head, and black eye, "Well kinda matches when I punched Graham," Killian said. "You got a lucky one," Graham defends. 

"You slept with my love," Killian scolds. "Fiancé, by the looks of that rock," Elliot said, looking at Regina's hand. "Oh," Regina cant' help but smile, and everyone looks at her hand with the sparkling ring. 

"Wow, did you give him a real raise or something?" Ruby takes her hand examining the ring closer. Killian rolls his eyes, "This isn't about us, this is about Elliot," Regina says, "I'm fine, the worry is not necessary, congratulations," he said. "Thank you, but I think it is," Regina says. "She's starting to act like a mum," Killian smiles, "You know I get protective of my staff," Regina said. "Awww," Ruby and the others all say. 

Regina crosses her arms, "Stop that, all of you, we're like a family, and I want to know who just decided to tackle Elliot here," Regina said. "I really don't remember anything, it all happened so fast," Elliot said. "Well I'll investigate it," David said. "What?" Killian asks, "I'm a cop," David said. "Ah that's useful," Killian said. 

The others leave Elliot and David, and head to work, Regina dreads a bit what she will see. "Well, it's not that bad I guess," she sighs. The group steps over some broken glasses, "Well we have to delay opening a bit to clean up this mess, but looks like no expensive wine or liquor was smashed," Killian observes. 

The group starts to clean, "Hey you, take it easy," Killian kisses Regina's cheek gently, "I'm pregnant, I'm not dying," Regina jokes. Killian tends to some pieces of glass and picking up tables with Graham. 

In general, the group has things cleaned up and put together quickly, within a few hours. Ruby pauses, as she starts to pick up cards and some broken dishes on the floor near where Elliot had fallen in the attack. Her eyes squint a bit, and she sees a license on the floor. 

She places the broom against the wall, and looks around to make sure the others are occupied, and she picks up the license, she sighs, and puts it in her pocket. "Hey you ok? Killian says they're going to open in a minute," Lacey rushes up to her, "Yeah yeah, just this last little bit and we're all set," Ruby smiles. Lacey heads off, and Ruby sighs again to herself, her mind racing. 

The evening gets going, and Ruby is on high alert. "Hey," Lacey comes up to her, "Hey, looks like rain right? I can smell it," Ruby said. "What's with you? You seem distracted just looking out the window tonight," Lacey said. "Nothing nothing, I just think it's weird, Elliot isn't here, you know," Ruby shrugs. Lacey looks at her, "You know you may not be a book, but I think I can read you pretty well," Lacey said. "I'll tell you later ok?" Ruby asks. Lacey lets it go and heads back to work. 

Regina and Killian are working behind the bar, and Regina has some moments where she beams at her ring, "I see you," he whispers behind her. "What? I'm happy.." She shrugs. "And? Why do you sound guilty about it? Because of Elliot?" Killian asks, "Well," she sighs. "Hey, he's gonna be fine, and he's got a cop boyfriend," Killian said. "There's always a crisis, but doesn't mean we can't enjoy the quiet and happy moments," he said. "Yeah, you're right, I want netflix and ice cream tonight," Regina pouts cutely. 

"Yeah? I think we can manage that, Netflix tends to work out for us quite well," Killian smirks, and places his hand on her tummy, "Yeah ok hot shot, maybe we'll do that too, if I don't feel like puking," Regina said. "Sexy," he jokes. 

As the bar closes, Ruby and Lacey get ready to go first, "You two in a rush?" Killian asks, "Umm, not really, just been a long day," Ruby said. "Escort?" Ruby looks at Graham, "Uhh, ok, sure, I'll protect you," he smirks playfully, "I'll protect you and Lacey both, let's just go," Ruby sasses and the three leave. 

Regina and Killian look at each other, "What do you suppose they're up to?" he asks. "I don't know they seem suspicious," Regina said. "Mmm, we're ready for parenting," Killian smiles. 

A/N-- Yes that license Ruby picked up is a clue.... dun dun dun 

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