Chapter 20

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This chapter is dedicated to @ToastedBagels, author if Float, cause her story is flippin amazing and you should all go and read it!! :D xx


Rosie's P.O.V

"Guys, I'm running out of clothes." Harry stated as he plonked himself on a chair a couple of days later.

"Ever heard of washing them?" Louis spoke as he walked in from the kitchen, causing us all to chuckle.

Harry poked his tongue out, "Yes. I have washed them, a couple of times each actually, but I'm getting sick of wearing the same clothes over and over."

"Actually I am too." Zayn added and Liam agreed.

"Well us girls were smart, so we packed enough clothes." Carly said, to which Emma replied with a sheepish grin.

"I didn't..." Emma admitted.

"What? You even went shopping with Liam ages ago and got more stuff!" Niall exclaimed.

"I know! But one, I haven't had the chance to wear some of the dressier stuff, and two, I want more clothes."

We all laughed and it was decided that all the boys, minus Niall, and Emma would go shopping, while Carly, Niall and I stayed home.

"So what do youse wanna do?" Carly asked, as we sat around after the others had all left to go shopping.

"Ooh! We can make the cupcakes that we got ingredients for at the start of the summer!" I said, jumping up enthusiastically.

"Aww yes! Yes, we so should." Carly agreed and we headed to the kitchen.

"Wait, what?" Niall asked, walking in behind us with a confused look.

We both chuckled, "Well, when we first got here, we went shopping for some basic supplies and Rosie and I both wanted to get ingredients for my mum's famous cupcake recipe, so we did! And now we're gonna make them." Carly explained.

"I'm down with that. Anything that means more food! But I suck at baking, just letting you know beforehand."

"It's ok, Carly and I are pro!"

I got all the ingredients out and I quickly read through the recipe, while Carly got the mixing bowls and utensils out, as well as preheating the oven.

"Ok, first ingredient is butter, then the caster sugar and then the self-raising flower. So Carly, if you do the sugar and then Niall, you can do the flour. Just look at the recipe for the right amount. Oh and we're doubling it so keep that in mind when you're measuring it." I instructed them.

"Yes chef!" Carly replied sarcastically, to which I poked my tongue out.

Carly poured in the sugar as the mix master combined the two ingredients.

"Niall you got that flour ready?" I asked.

"I was waiting for Carly to finish with the measuring jug, so I'll do it now."

"Okey dokey, here you go." Carly replied, handing it to him.

"I'm just gonna go to the toilet quickly, while you guys do that." I said and left them to it.

Worst mistake ever.

Carly's P.O.V

"What the heck did you two do?!" Rosie exclaimed when she re-entered the kitchen.

Niall and I just looked each other's flour covered faces and burst out laughing.

Rosie couldn't keep a straight face and soon we were all just standing their laughing.

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