Part 12 (day 1 In Hell)

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I'm sorry, I forgot to update yesterday so here it is.

(still Tuesday)

Clairs Pov:

A bit later I arrived at my current home. As soon as I closed the door my uncle called for me. He was sitting in the living room surrounded by beer cans.

"make me some dinner" he ordered. But nothing was left in the fridge. He would never give me money for that so I took my own money to buy groceries.

I left the house yelling I need to buy some meat.

He hates vegetables so most of my dishes contain meat. Mostly Meat.

15minutes later I began to cook. Steak with sauce and a bit of carrots and peas.

"Dinner is ready"  I called him.

He let out a weird noise and sat down at a table in the kitchen. I gave him his plate and he began to eat.

"you got better"  he made disgusting noise while eating. I hate seeing other people eat. It's just really disgusting.

"but it's still disgusting" he said throwing the plate at me. I could Mo even away but it still hit my arm leaving wound that would have to get stitched. But what would I tell them? I fell? They would ever believe me.

"I'm sorry" apologizing over and over I cleaned up the mess.

Sam just sat down on the couch hid eyed fixed on the TV. I don't even know if he works. I bet he doesn't.

"Claire" He yelled a few minutes later. I was finished so I followed his order.

I saw his jeans building a tent. Oh no. Not on the first day.

"It's been a while" he smirked standing up and placing a rough kiss on my mouth.

It tasted like beer and cigarettes. I hate this taste. The kiss got rougher as he undressed me.

I was going to be raped again.

A few hours later he luckily let me go and I was walking to the basement. I didnt cry and I didn't smile. So what was I feeling? Emptiness? I want to talk to someone so bad.

That's when I remembered  Jena.
I need to talk to her. I tippen her number still shaking a bit. I felt disgusting.

After a few moments she answered the phone.

"heya" she answered energetically.

"can I meet you at the old park in a hour? Please. I need to talk to you really bad."  why was I on the verge of crying now. What changed?

"sure. I'll be there" she said before hanging up. I'm glad I have her to rely on. She knows how my uncle is abusive. But not about the rape.

I showered for nearly 50 minutes before throwing on a hoodie and black tights. The park is only a few minutes away so I was on time. I still felt disgusting. I could still feel his touch on me.

"hey" she shouted happy.

"hey" I sounded rather sad.

We sat together on the bench in silence.

"I'm living from it Sam" I blurted out bluntly

"you're what?! " she nearly choked on her saliva.

"when my sister died I was too" I added.

"oh God, that's horrible" she was truly worried and sad for me. I smiled at that for a second before turning sad again.

"I never told you everything about him" tears were streaming down my face.

I took a deep breath before continuing to talk

"he- also rapes.... Me" I closed my eyes so I wouldn't have to look at her expression. I don't want to know what was going through her head.

"we need to call the police" she stumbled looking to me shocked. I had my eyes open now.

"I tried once. They didn't believe me because of my self harm and suicide history." that was also something she didn't know about. My cuts and suicide attempts. 3. I tried to kill myself fucking 3 times  the world just wants to see me burn and broken. It won't let me die.

"oh god" she said crying. Why would she cry. I'm the one in pain. Not her.

"show me" she choked out and I showed her how I tried to kill myself the first time. I had slashed my wrist. My uncle found me two times. My parents don't know about it.

"the second time I used sleeping pills." I showed her the other scars on my arms and stopped at the last big one.

"the third time about 4 months ago I took sleeping pills and slashed my wrists. My sister found me. She was trying so hard to save me but I relapsed every week of beating from my parents. And soon she gave up and killed herself because she didn't want to be in pain. " I told her the whole truth.

"does Seth know about these things? "
She just asked

"just the things you told him and he saw a few bruises once when he brought homework. He also heard how my mother talked to me" I was a sobbing mess and everything hurt. I just want to die so bad.

"you can sleep at my house if you want" she suggested but I shook my head..

"that just makes it worse. There's nothing tag can be done "  I replied hugging her.

"nothing" I repeated.

"I will save you, Claire" she hugged back.

She had to go home and so did I so our ways parted there. I went to sleep and slept a long time. Well-it felt like a long time but it wasnt.

What do you think of Uncle Sam?  Is Claire going through to much or not enough? Please tell me your thoughts. Love ya all \(^.^)/

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