part 4 (at the park)

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(Still Friday)

I ran out of school hoping Jena wouldn't follow me. Today I couldn't stand more problems.

I don't want to be called a fag every day. Well- it's true. I can be in a romantic relationship with a girl. But I can also date guys. Like Seth.

Wait. Why am I thinking of that douchebag?

I soon reached a park and sat down on a swing. God, I don't want to go home. I'd rather be sleeping out here than at home.

Somehow I hoped Seth would follow me but,that's just stupid. He doesn't care about me. He just wants to tease me. That's right. He ist just like Jena. Befriending me and then hurting me.

Just as I thought he didn't appear. A few hours later I saw how I had 26 missed calls from my father. I ran home as fast as I could as if it would save me from my father.

As soon as I reaches my house I could see,my father waiting for me. In the moment I closed the door behind me I got punched into the stomach causing me to fall to the floor.

"You ugly bitch dare to ignore me? you dumb little piece of shit " He yelled at me kicking me.

"Why do you do this to us, Claire" He said kicking me again. I just wanted this to stop so I pretended to be unconscious.

But as soon as I closed my eyes he walked away. I could hear him rummaging through our knives.

He waits to kill me. I repeated over and over in my head. I stood up running to my room trying to ignore the pain.

I locked the door and pushed my wardrobe infringing of the door throwing myself on my bed. I groaned in pain and looked at my wounds.

God dammit he's strong. At least we have weekend so two days no school.

The rest of the day I cried in my room over the pain and what my family does to me.

(Saturday morning)

As soon as I heard that both my parent drove away I pulled my wardrobe to its original place.

I slowly opened these for to make sure they didn't trick me or something like that.

I went downstairs to eat an apple but I only ate half of it. I hate eating. It makes me feel sick. I took a bottle of water and went back to my room.

The whole day I did nothing else than sitting on my bed. I neither cried nor smiled.

The Weekend was soon over and I had to go back to school.

Sorry this is kinda short but I didn't want to put too many days in one part

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