Scarlett stared at something in the sky, "Say, have you seen a lot of those Makaichu bugs, lately?"

Hiro shrugged, "They're a low-level yokai, so they make it past the barriers pretty frequently. But now that you mention it, we have been catching a lot of them lately. Why do you ask?"

"They're like rats on a sinking ship," said Scarlett, "You know how animals tend to sense disaster before it happens? Sailors know that when the rats start to flee the ship, something's seriously wrong. Same thing with these guys. They're not so bad on their own, sure, but in big doses it can mean something big is about to happen."

Rieka tried concentrating her seiyoki on the bug. Again, electricity flared in her palm, this time instantly frying the insect to ash. Her and Hiro's fifteenth birthdays had already come and gone, and still she had no control.

Scarlett looked to her hopefully, "Hey, being able to use your electricity is a big step. When we started, you couldn't even do that consciously, remember? You'll get there."

Rieka's fists were shaking. It was true, she was improving. She knew she should have been hopeful, so why did she feel angry all the time?

As if she could read her thoughts, Scarlett took a big lunging step towards Rieka and squeezed her hand, "You have a vengeful god inside of you. That's a lot of anger to deal with. But remember, your spirit beast egg is getting nurtured from your emotions. Too much negative energy, and know what the consequences are."

Rieka inhaled and let out a slow, shuttering breath. She felt her hands relax, "I know. I'm actually sort of surprised it hasn't hatched yet. I wonder if something is wrong?"

Scarlett shook her head, "They're just like people. Some of them are late bloomers. Though in my experience, the late bloomers are the best ones," she said with a reassuring smile.

Rieka smiled in spite of herself. In the beginning, she has been determined to dislike Scarlett. If for nothing else than having hurt Kurama in the past. But as a teacher, she was patient and kind, yet placed the right amount of demand on her. She had begun to feel the reins on the beast inside of her. She didn't know if this was how her father had felt about Genkai, but she at least felt a certain level of respect for her.

After cleaning up the mess they had made in the alley, the trio began the walk home. Rieka sighed audibly, "All that mess and I still have to study for an entry exam tomorrow."

Hiro smacked his forehead, "Don't remind me. I had put that pleasantly out of my head."

"But still," said Rieka, "Tomorrow's Valentine's Day."

Hiro's head whipped around to face her, "Don't tell me you have to choose between studying and chocolate?"

Rieka shrugged, "I already have most of them done. Besides, I've been studying regularly. A good night's sleep would probably do me more good than last-minute cramming would."

Scarlett tilted her head, "You make chocolate for the men?"

Rieka nodded. Sometimes she forgot Scarlett was a foreigner, despite her appearance, "In Japan women make chocolates for men they respect in their life. Sometimes it's about love, but it can just be for someone who is important to you."

Hiro nodded, "Obligation chocolates. And Rieka's are the best."

"Who are you making chocolate for?" asked Scarlett.

Rieka counted off on her fingers, "Hmm, my dad and Hiro of course. Uncle Kazuma, Kurama, Koenma-sama, oh, and Hiei too."

Hiro's eyes narrowed, "You didn't used to make Hiei chocolate."

Rieka laughed, "I didn't know him until this summer. I figure it might be hard to deliver, but I figure he'll pop up eventually."

Scarlett smiled, "You're a kind person, Rieka. That's how I know."

"Know what?"

"That you'll conquer this thing inside of you. It was missing it's beneficent half, but after getting to know you, I can now see that you have more than enough good in you to make up for that."

Rieka blushes and murmured a sheepish "Thank you."

Scarlett's smile widened into a grin, "I only said it because it's true. And if you're worried about delivering things on time, I can deliver Kurama's chocolates for you."

Rieka felt the good feelings inside of her vanish. Scarlett seemed to spend an awful amount of time with Kurama, "I don't know..."

"What? Worried I'm going to steal them? No worries, they'll make it to him and he'll know they're from you, promise."

Rieka supposed it would be ridiculous for a grown woman to steal chocolates made by a middle school student. And sure enough, Scarlett did not steal them. However, she did check to see what kind they were—dark chocolate with flakes of candied lavender—so she could buy a box of something similar to give to him.
Thanks for reading! You guys are the best!

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