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"Mmmfff" I groaned as my alarm went off, dragging me from my slumber. I groggily sat up and flicked the switch at the back, leaving blissful silence once more. Then I heard my bedroom door creak open and I turned moodily to see Lockwood standing there with a pumpkin pillow in his hand. I snuggled my head deeper into the covers with a groan of annoyance. 

The next thing I knew, I was being repeatedly beaten over the head with a certain pillow while a certain someone screamed at the top of their lungs:


I couldn't hold it in. I looked up at Lockwood and saw his usually composed face lit up with a beam of childish excitement and had to laugh.

Then he smacked me in the face with a pillow again. My smile turned to a frown. I snatched the offending object off him and slowly started to advance, a wide, catlike grin growing in my now wide -awake face. He backed away, looking petrified. Smirking, I attacked him.

I bashed him until he was cowering on the floor, and we were both shaking with laughter.

"No, please lucy-chan, no more PLEASEEE" He choked out through the giggles as I mercilessly whacked him again. 

"Only if you promise to never wake me up again"

"OK! I promise!" 

"Fine" I sighed, throwing the pillow at him one last time. He then stood up, grinning happily.

"What I came up to say originally was that we are doing a costume competition between us four. Whoever has the most original wins! Start planning! And with that, he swept out of the room.

I smiled to myself. Heck, Halloween make up and costume is the only type of it that I have talent in! 

I am going as a dark Angel, I decided, and set off to the shop to buy my things.

I came straight up to my room when I got home, laden with shopping bags, and I got to work.

This is the costume I picked up from the store

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This is the costume I picked up from the store.

This is the costume I picked up from the store

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