Beach day

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Omg  I'm soooooo sorry bout the lack of updates! But here's some beachyfluffykindathingymagigga.


~A ❤🌈




"You're having me on!"

" nope, Luce, no joke, I have never been to the beach."

Me and George stared blankly at Lockwood.

"My god!" George said, rubbing his glasses on his jumper. 

"You know what this means" me and George shared a look. "Cancel all the cases. We are taking YOU" I said, pulling Lockwood off his chair " to the beach. No." I said as Lockwood started to protest. "No buts. Get your swimming costume on under some clothes, bring all your stuff and meet me and George at the door in 20 mins. I'll call a cab when I'm ready." And with that I ran upstairs to get sorted.

Once in my room,I grabbed the first swimable item of clothing I laid my hands on, which happened to be a white bikini. I cursed and rooted around in my draw to find another option, but to no avail. Sighing, I put on the unfortunate thing and also pulled on a blue cover up dress and let my hair fall down in glossyish waves. I grabbed a towel and some suncream and stuffed them in a bag, then shoved some sunglasses on. Quickly I raced downstairs to call a cab. 

When I got off the phone, Lockwood was staring at me with literal stars in his eyes. I grinned at him.

"Woah Luce, you look great!" He exclaimed.

"Not too shabby yourself" I complemented him, giving him an approving once over.

A horn blared from outside.

"CABS HERE!" George yelled.

We grabbed our stuff and piled in the awaiting cab, heading to the beach.


We paid the cabbie and jumped out. I immediately ran down to the sand and threw off my shoes, burying my feet in the soft heaven. George and Lockwood followed suit and Lockwood gave a childish scream of delight. I inwardly smiled. Cutie I thought.

We found a sheltered cove far away from other people and plonked down our towels and bags. 

"Who wants to swimmmmm!?" Asked George excitedly. He stripped off, and was, fortunately for my future sanity, in a full bodied wetsuit. Lockwood pulled off his clothes and revealed.......

Hotness in swimming trunks. Oh my days.

I must have been gawping, for as soon as Georges back was turned, the hotness king in person ( no, idiot, Lockwood, not George!) wiggled his eyebrows at me.

"Like what you see?"

I smirked and shredded my cover up. Now HE was staring. I ACTUALLY looked kinda hot in this bikini, if I do say so myself.

"Oh?" I laughed. "You alright there boss?" He blushed, but soon a devilish smile played on his lips. He ran up to me, hoisted me onto his shoulders and ran towards the sea. I screamed and kicked, but he paid no heed. Lockwood dunked me in the ocean.

I pulled at his legs so he tripped and fell on top of me. I blushed furiously, and he smirked.

"Lucy, Lucy, Lucy..... You should have known better than to wear a bikini round me." He said seductively. I melted.

And he crashed his lips to mine.

I quickly responded, and we stayed like that, locked together until a wave whacked into us. Then he took my hand and lead me back to the towels and we laid down side by side,my head on his chest, listening to his thudding heartbeat.

I was so drunk on love that the only thing I heard before falling into a deep, blissful sleep, was Georges teasing voice and Lockwood s honeyed tones uttering a staggeringly large amount of swear words at him, more then I ever thought Lockwood knew.


~A ❤❤❤

Lockwood and co oneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora