Three Years

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Three Years.

Its been exactly three years.

Three years since I broke off from Lockwood and co.

Why did I do that you ask? 



"Ned.... Please......" It didn't stop. He was relentless.

His fists pounded me and his rapier cut into me. He slowly, painfully cut a mark into my back. I screamed in anguish. 

"Now everyone will know you are mine" he snarled, hitting me across the face. I felt my back. 

N.S was carved into my back, still stinging with the pain. I screamed as he slashed his rapier down my arms again. His face was radiant. 

It turns him on, putting me in pain. He says seeing me scream and writhe on the floor in pools of my Own blood was better for his hormones than any..... Well.... More disturbing activity.

Ned slapped me again, and started cutting my legs.

Then the door slowly opened .

Lockwood stood there.

I cried out as Ned sent me spinning onto the floor with another blow.

I glimpsed  Lockwood in the doorway out of swollen eyes.

"Lockwood......" I whimpered. 

But instead of coming to my aid, 

He stood there 

And said

"I can't believe I've been pitying his girlfriend for so long and it turns out to be YOU. Look at you. The strong Lucy Carlyle can't even stand up to her own boyfriend." He sneered, his lips curling in n expression of disgust. 

I couldn't take it anymore.

Gathering all my strength and resolve, I grabbed Ned's rapier, still wet with my blood and ran.

I called a night cab. They ask no questions. The driver dropped me in Sheffield, 2 hours and 7 minutes away. He asked for no pay, seeing I would need all I had. I booked a room in an agents only hotel.

I cried.


And now I was returning.

Because, you see,

I still cared.

NO! Not about Ned , you imbecile. I would gladly kill bloody Ned Shaw.

I still cared about 



And despite what he did, Lockwood.

He was the reason, mostly, why I was going back. 

He had attempted suicide too many times.

I loved him.

And he needed to know that.

So I set off.

London was exactly as I remembered. It had only been three years, after all.

I got curious stares everywhere I went. Because of my scars.

I won't hide them. They are a sign of my past and future. Some days, they are the only thing that remind me that what doesn't kill me will make me stronger.

I stopped outside 35 Portland Row.

It was exactly the same. 

The same wonky sign, the roof tiles that we never fixed. I swallowed back a sob. How I had missed this place.

I rang the bell.

There were movements on the other side of the door.


She looked at me and burst into tears.

"LUCY!" She sobbed, hugging me like a drowning woman. I clutched her back.

"I tried to kill him Lucy" she whispered in my ear "Ned, I mean. I was so angry. I didn't manage it though" she ended regretfully. 

I Smiled. "Good to see you Hol" I said, before she pulled me into the house and shut the door.

George was next.

"LUCE!!" He screamed and gripped me tight.


"George, its fine" I soothed. "Scars heal, the past is past. Besides" I smirked "who says I won't get him first?" We laughed at that, and George lead me into the living room.

I came face to face with Lockwood.

He was thinner than I remember. His face was haggard, his eyes red from perpetual crying. 

He took one look at my arms and fell onto his knees and sobbed his heart out.

I sat on the carpet and pulled him into an embrace. 

"I'm so sorry" he choked. "I could kill myself-"

"NO!" I screamed, making him jump. "DON'T EVER SAY THAT LOCKWOOD!" Now I was crying too, the tears creating riverlets down my face "I LOVE YOU! DO YOU NOT KNOW HOW THAT WEOULD HURT ME?!"

He looked at me, shocked "you love me?" He whispered 

"After all I've done?"


"Well I love you too" And we kissed.

George coughed.

"That escalated quickly" he snickered. 

I was finally home.

Hope you like da fluff!

~A ❤❤❤❤💕💕 xxx

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