Stressing about an exam

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{Request} An exam is coming up and you get really stressed about it.

Jimin would be stressed with you. He would do his best to help you calm down but he would probably get very nervous himself. He would try to be quiet while you study and would make sure you take breaks and eat. If you asked him for help, he would do everything he could but he would be probably very lost in what you're actually learning. He would always try to motivate you though with sweet "You can do it", "You're doing amazing" or "You know so much, I really admire you!"

Seokjin would let you study in peace but would help you to make a plan. He knows very well that a brain needs some breaks too, a lot of sleep and a lot of energy in order to succeed on the exam. He would make sure you don't stay up too late, would bring you hot tea or biscuits to help you calm down, would be there to examine your knowledge if you asked him to and would make sure to always let you know amazing, smart and beautiful you are to raise up your spirits and motivation.

Namjoon would sit down with you and help you study. He would soothe you with his deep voice telling you to calm down. His words would make you believe it's not hard at all. He would explain everything you don't understand but would make sure you don't overwork yourself.

Taehyung would try to cheer you up. He would help you studying by making stories of the stuff you're supposed to learn. He would tell you a story of a blood cell travelling through body, explaining biology, or a story of a person living in West Asia, teaching you demographics of Kazakhstan. He would always stop you when you're studying too much and would make sure you go sleep in time.

Jungkook would struggle with you. He would try giving you tips on how to learn things effectively, sharing his own experiences how he was learning for his exams while promoting. He would have to drag you away from the books sometimes to make you eat and would try to motivate you by entice you for things like: "If you learn how DNA works until evening, I will take you out for dinner," while humming their song of the same name, or "If you answer all my questions right, I'll sleep with you tonight" to make sure you don't skip meals or sleep.

Hoseok would try to study with you. He would praise you for every right answer you get and would repeat how proud he is of you and your knowledge. He would make you feel like the smartest person in the universe and help you think of mnemonic aids to remember everything.

Yoongi would stay in the room with you, lying on your bed and probably sleeping but would support you with his presence. If you were starting to get really lost, he would try to help you by explaining and teaching. He would make you repeat things you don't remember so many times that you won't be able to forget them and would try to motivate you by 20 sit-ups for every wrong answer.

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