:Dusk Until Dawn: [Chapter: 19] //A Vampire Romance//

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Damian chuckled and lifted my chin up. He placed a quick kiss on my lips and I blushed furiously. "Bye, Maddie."

Dustin made a choking sound and I shot him a dirty look. He rolled his eyes and walked towards his house. I waved to Ayden and Callie and said goodbye to Damian again before heading up my lawn and into the house.

"Will?" I called, kicking off my shoes. "Are you home?"

It was silent and I frowned, confused. If he wasn't home, why was the door unlocked? I shrugged and locked the door behind me. I went into the kitchen to grab a snack and noticed a note on the table from Will.

I began reading it and slowly began to frown.

Dear Maddie,

Sorry this is sudden, but I got called out on a job. I can't refuse right now since I need the money to buy a new car. There's food money on the counter. Use for food only. I should be back in three days. Keep all the doors and windows locked, there's been a series of recent murders growing closer. Have Dustin stay with you, or stay with him if you can.



The frown on my face was now evident as I re-read the note again. He left me alone, when there were murderers on the loose? I rolled my eyes. Good brother he was. I glanced at the counter to find the food money was indeed there. I sighed and crumpled up the note, throwing in it in the trash.

I hadn't heard of the murders at all. I walked into the living room and found a stack of newspapers on the table. I began to flip through them, looking for anything about murders in the headlines. I came to one and read through it, but it was in a few towns over and they had already found the murderer.

I turned around and stepped towards the couch but slipped on something and fell, nearly clocking my head on the side of the desk. I scowled and pulled myself up into a sitting position to see what I slipped on. It was today's newspaper. The headline caught my attention. Mystery Murders in Massachusetts. I scrambled to pick it up and quickly read down the column.

I found a part that caught my attention and began to read aloud; "A recent series of murders happening in the small town of Sandwich, Cape Cod has got police confused and determined. Sarah Foley, a nineteen-year-old college student, was found dead in a side ally in Hyannis recently. The cause of death is unknown, but may be due to anemia."

It went on to talk about two similar murders near my small town of Sandwich. I put the paper down, feeling my heart beating hard and loud. Murders around here? But we rarely had anything go wrong except maybe an accident at sea or a maybe a robbery and stuff like that but never murders.

I shoved the paper under the couch and scowled. Will was an idiot. Why would he even mention something as scary as that when he was leaving! I stalked off to my room, looking around cautiously. I was so going to rip him when he got home.

I plopped myself down in my chair behind my desk and turned on my laptop. I turned on my iTunes and put it on shuffle, and kept the volume low. I sung along quietly when one of my favorite songs came on. Facebook easily distracted me.

After about an hour my phone rang. I jumped in surprise and than slid across the room on my chair to grab the phone.

"Hello?" I asked into the receiver.

"Maddie, hey!" a breathless voice breathed into the receiver.

"Emmett? What's wrong?" I asked, feeling my heartbeat increase by the sound of his voice.

"Nothing, don't sound so worried," he laughed. "I just need a favor."

"What? Why?"

"Could you take my shift tonight? My mom's caught up at work and I have to watch my little sister."

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