Chapter 6 - The Rainbow Gardens

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Tyene gave her son a light rap on the back of his hand with her long, thin fingers.

"Myles, you were purposely trying to embarrass Awenis with such a question! Apologize to your cousin, and mind yourself."

The youngest Saurivic boy lowered his head. "I am sorry Awenis, I didn't mean to embarrass you," he mumbled, sounding very contrite.

Jatheryn and everyone else knew that Myles's apologies were about as sincere as a trick mirror at the WinterLight Carnival. Part of being the youngest was the uncanny ability to get off lightly for any transgression. As the oldest, Jatheryn couldn't imagine what that might be like.

"That does remind me though..." Jahaelis looked straight at Jatheryn.

Curses, Jatheryn thought. He had half-hoped he might get lucky this morning. Not so, apparently.

"Did you make the acquaintance of Kendris Farakirn last night, as I asked you to?"

The first trick to lying was never to hesitate. The second was to give just enough detail to make the lie convincing, without giving enough to trap yourself if asked to reconfirm later. Jatheryn nodded. He purposely avoided Jalborn's questioning gaze though. Lying to his parents was easily and often done, lying to his grandfather, not so much.

"Yes, after the third waltz. We discussed the minstrels."

"Indeed?" Jahaelis pressed for more details.

Thinking quickly, Jatheryn nodded again. "I asked her what she thought of their troupe, and she said that they would sound ever so much better if they were to drop the second lute and become a sextet instead. We agreed that the two lutes together conflict with one another, especially with an alto singer for the harmony."

Randir raised a perfectly groomed eyebrow. "It sounds to me like you were listening more closely to the musicians than to the girl."

"You're lucky she didn't cuff you for not paying proper attention to her coz, or even dump her drink on you!"

Taevrin, Tyene, and Randir's oldest laughed and nudged Jatheryn's foot under the table. His voice was just now starting to break, and that put together with his peach-fuzz mustache and gangly, legs made Taevrin the very image of male puberty. Jatheryn was counting the days until the oily skin of adolescence came for Taevrin. Maybe that would take some of the wind out of his gregarious cousin's sails.

At the head of the table Jalborn cleared his throat, requesting and immediately receiving the attention of the rest of the Saurivics.

"I think we have adequately dissected last night to the fullest by now, time to focus on the day at hand. Jahaelis, Tyene, would you both join me in the study? There are some matters of bookkeeping that we ought to address."

"Of course, Father." Tyene stood, smoothing back her velvet skirt. "Randir, would you see to it that the boys get to their fitting appointment this morning for their new boots?"

Jahaelis was just about to rise as well, when Awenis seemed to recall something.

"Oh! I almost forgot to ask, Mother, Father, may I go out to the Rainbow Gardens this morning? Bythnaryn, Trianne, and I made plans at the ball last night."

"You may, but try to be home before mid-afternoon. You have a singing lesson with your tutor at four o'clock."

Jahaelis straightened his tunic, smoothing away the invisible wrinkles which nobody else saw. From the looks of things, Jatheryn wasn't the only one in the Saurivic household who dyed his hair. All of yesterday's hints of grey seemed to have vanished.

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