Ready to Explain?

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I groaned as the light hit my eyes. What time was it?

"Wake up! You've been sleeping since lunch yesterday and you'll miss breakfast. I don't even know what made you so tired yesterday, you only had first class." Lily wondered as she walked over to my bed. Of course, we hadn't told anyone yet. Scarlett and I decided we'd do it today, we were too lost in our own thoughts yesterday to discuss it.

I sat up and pushed my hair back, planting my feet on the ground, "I guess I just didn't get enough sleep the night before, that's all." She nodded and walked to the bathroom as I grabbed some clothes. I'm assuming since Scarlett isn't in the room that's she's downstairs somewhere. I finish putting my shoes on as Lily walked out of the bathroom and I walk in.

"I'm ready whenever you are." Lily said, standing next to me. I gave her a thumbs up, as there was a tooth brush in my mouth, and finished getting ready. I grabbed her arm and dragged her to the stairs, excited to eat breakfast finally.

"You guys ready to go?" I asked as we reached Scarlett and Remus. They nodded and responded with a yes so we headed out of the common room to the Great Hall. It's always quiet a walk from the dorms, but I'm starving and could care less right now. As we entered the hall, I eagerly rant to our usual spot at the Gryffindor table and sat down in from of a plate, grabbing food and conjuring a drink.

I could hear Sirius chuckling beside me, "Someone's hungry I'm guessing?" I smiled, not denying a thing. He smirked and sat down next to me, putting a plate of his own together. Might I add that he got way more then me.

"So what was the class about yesterday? You never told us." James asked, joining us. I shrugged with my mouth full, and pointed to Scarlett. She can explain it.

She glared at my finger, "Well..." She said, towards the amused faces.


Haha, cliffhanger. Love you guys. Sorry I took so long too update and this is short. I'M SO LAZY DUDE. I'll be better I promise! Summer break soon too. Okay, um Comment, Vote, Favorite, all the jazz. c:

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