The Talking Hat

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                    After we got off the train and onto dry land, we walked with the marauders through the castle doors. The inside was as breathtaking as the outsides. The halls were huge and covered in beautiful moving art, only Hogwarts could possibly obtain. Lily immediately found us, "Hey Dawn, Scarlet." She said, while glaring at the marauders next to us.

                    James smiled, "Oh hello, go out with me Evans?" She frowned and shook her head.

                    "In a million years Potter!" She laughed. No wonder she doesn't like him, this must get annoying after awhile.

                    "I can wait." He said, grinning ear to ear. Oh Merlin.....

                    James, Scarlet, and Sirius smirked. "Well then," I said to grab everyone's attention, "Where do we go now?" I asked the others. They all pointed to the Great Hall (I'd read Hogwarts A History so I knew what it is) and we walked in. They told us to go wait with the first years to get sorted so we skipped over to the little ones and I realized that we are way taller than them! Were we that small first year? Huh...

                    "Hello little one! My name is Dawn, yours?" I asked, smiling at a small brunette girl. I was somewhat of a friendly gal and I remember how nervous I was my first year at wizarding school.

                    "S-sarah." She said, smiling slightly. 'Aw! She's so cute!' I thought while resisting the urge to pinch her cheeks.

                   "Well Sarah, I'm guessing your getting sorting today, and guess what? I am too! You're my 1st year friend!" I said, looking down at her. She smiled and nodded so I introduced her to Scarlet while a lady named Professor Mcgonagall was saying names I have never heard before.

                   "Valders, Dawn!" Mcgonagall called. I started walking up to the stool with an old hat on it. I wasn't that nervous but- oh who am I kidding? I'm terrified. I wanted to be in Gryffindor with all my friends but I wasn't even aware of the house differences. 

All of a sudden I heard gasps. I bet five bucks my hair just turned green.

                 I sat down on the stool and put the hat on my head. "Hm..... A brilliant mind, but not brilliant enough for Ravenclaw....."

                   'Who are you? Why are you in my head?' I thought.

                  "I'm the sorting hat, now be quiet and let me continue."

                   "Well then!" I said outloud causing a few people to laugh.

                   "Not the nicest girl..... You would do great in both Slytherin and Gryffindor... So where to place you?"

                   'Well, I would like to put where my friends are... Please.' I added reluctantly.

                    "GRYFFINDOR!" It said outloud. There was tons of clapping from the Gryffindor table and as I approached it, Lily jumped up and gave me a big hug while pleading me to sit inbetween her and James. I did what she asked and laughed when I heard James sigh next to me. Ha, sucks for him.

                    "Valders, Scarlet."Mcgonagall said, while Scarlet went to sit in the stool I had just been in. I could see on her face that she was worried, hopefully her hair wouldn't change like mine had. That was embarrassing enough.

        I was nervous. On one hand I was hoping she would be in my house but also it would be super cool if she had a different experience too. I guess it wasn't completely up to either of us anyways, the sorting hat decided our fate whether we liked it or not.

                    After a minute, it says, " Has to be......"

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