A Rude Awakening

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(Back to Dawn's POV)

                          When I woke up the next morning, I turned on my side to see the clock. 5:00, Well I'm up early. I decided to go downstairs since no one else in the room was awake so I got dressed and grabbed my notebook.  I walked downstairs to see Remus reading a book while sitting on the couch.

                          "Hey Remus!" I screamed. Woah, that came out louder then I hoped.

                          He looked up, startled, then responded, "Dawn!? Why did you yell?" Huh, I don't even think I have a response for that.

                          "Well I'm not actually sure. Hey, are the boys awake yet? I doubt it, but it'd be smart to ask before I barge into your room to wake them up." I said, a smile on my face, hoping he doesn't notice the change in subject.

                         "No, they're still sleeping." He said.

                         Great, now I can go 'wake them up' and by that I mean mess with them in their sleep. I'm bored and I want to hang out with them so why not wake them up AND have fun? I smiled evilly and Remus looked at me funny. 'Oh well, He'll have to get used to my weirdness someday. Speaking of weirdness, I could go for some Mexican food right now. I wonder if I could get some here.

                         "Hey Remus? Does Hogwarts have tacos?" I asked cocking my head to the side.

                         "What's a taco?"

                         "Nevermind then!" I yelled behind me as I skipped up the stairs to the boys' dormitory. I searched for the guys' names on a door and when I found it, I opened the door to a messy room.

                        I looked around and saw that this room only belonged to the marauders and someone named Max Thomas. I felt bad for Max so I put a silencing charm on his bed while he slept, and walked over the James' bed.

                      "Oh Lily-bug..." He mumbled. I literally had to cover my mouth from bursting out laughing, I am so telling Lily about that!

                      "Accio Bull-horn" I whispered, and a bullhorn came flying into my hands from Merlin knows where. I put 5 minute lasting silence charms on the outside of the room, and Sirius' and Peter's beds before I put the bullhorn to my mouth.


                      "AHHH!" He screamed as he fell off is bed. I started laughing and he stood up, "Dawn! What was that for?"

                      "What could you be talking about, Jamsie-poo?" I said, smiling innocently.

                     "Ugh, nevermind," he grumbled, "How are they still sleeping?"

                     "They won't be for long." I said in a sing-songy voice. He smirked and shook his head, probably proud.

                     The charm probably wore off by now anyways so I walked over to Sirius' bed and picked up the side of hit mattress but I don't know if he has ninja skills, he was awake, or just pure awesomeness but he somehow managed to grab my hand during all this and pull me down with him. He landed on top of me. Oh Merlin.

                    He smirked, obviously awake, " 'Ello love." He flashed a grin. That's the moment I realized he wasn't wearing a shirt.

                    "EWWW!" I yelled, sadly waking Peter, but Max was still asleep because of the charm. Why wasn't he wearing a shirt in the morning?

                    Sirius laughed, he had the nerve to laugh! So I guess this means that I have the nerve to punch him in the face. Hard. "Ow, Dawn!" So I did.

                    "Get off me!" I growled at him.

                     All of a sudden the mattress was moved off from us and I immediately stood up, away from sirius who was clutching his nose. I look up to see a smirking James and Peter. I glared at them.

                     "What were you doing?" James asked.

                     "I punched him in the face." I said, like it was obvious.

                     "Right..." He said, not believing me.

                    "I swear! He's my friend, but he's annoying." I said, glaring at Sirius who was smiling like the idiot he is. I sighed, shaking my head at him.

                    I got up and walked out of the door to find Scarlet and Lily in the common room. How long was I gone? "Hey you guys, what's up?" I asked as I sat down.

                   They turned and looked at me. "Where were you?" Lily asked.

                    "Punched Sirius in the face, why?" I responded like it was nothing. She smiled and Scarlet winked at me. "No Scarlet." I said. Lily looked confused and Scarlet just started laughing.

                  "Off to breakfast Lily?" I asked. She nodded so we linked arms and skipped away with Scarlet following after us. I suddenly remembered that I put a sleeping charm on that poor boy in their room, I hope they managed to wake him up.

***Walk to and during breakfast that's not worth talking about***

                    After breakfast, Mcgonagall walked over and gave us our schedule. I was hoping I'd have a few classes with Scarlet, to make things easier. I had.....

1- Elichancis (E-lee-chances)

2- Charms


3- Double potions


4- Care of magical creatures

5- History of magic

                      "Hey James, what's Elichancis?" I asked the boy with a waffle sticking out of his mouth. He looked confused.

                      "I've never heard of that class before in all my time here. Anyone else?" He responded, looking around. Everyone shook their head.

                     "I have that class too." Scarlet said. Strange, maybe it was a new class this year.

                      "Does anyone have classes with me?" I passed my schedule to everyone, Scarlet first and all the way around the group ending at Sirius who was next to me.

                       Scarlet and I had two classes together, I had three with James and one with Sirius. None with Lily or Remus, which was awful because I needed their homework.

                     I laughed, "Well, we better go before we miss it, bye guys!" Scarlet and I walked to Elichancis not knowing that it would change a lot about what we knew about ourselves...

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