Scarlet's POV: The Sorting and After

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Scarlets POV:

                I cheered along with everyone else as I watched Dawn walk over to a large table a sit by Lily. "Oh please let me be with them." I thought. My head shot up when I heard, "Valders, Scarlet."

                I felt eyes on me as I walked up to the stool, they were probably still processeing the fact that me and Dawn are twins... And change color. I sat down and Proffesor Mgonagall placed the old sorting hat on my head. I squeezed my eyes shut.

                "Hmm.. Interesting mind we have here." I jumped in surprise when I heard his voice in my head. "I see some Slytherin potential. You are also smart enough to be a Ravenclaw but there is NO hufflepuff in you."

               "What's a hufflepuff?" I thought. 

               He ignored me and continued, "Though you have parts of a Slytherin and Ravenclaw mind, you truly belong in.." I crossed my fingers.  

              "GRYFFINDOR!!!" I jumped off the stool and ran, and I mean ran, to the Gryffindor table. I was so happy to be with them! I was almost to Lily and Dawn when I tripped and fell next to none other than Remus. I blushed a deep red, praying that my hair didn't change color and said, "Oops.." I was suddenly aware of the rest of our friends, or should I say Lily, Dawn and the Marauders, were smirking at us.

              'Oh boy. I have a feeling this will be a long year.' I thought as I sat up straighter.  Dawn waggled her eyebrows at me while I just shook my head, she is so weird. I admit he's cute but I just met him. So I decided to beat her at her own game.

              We all sat down and I sat across from Dawn, right next to Sirius. I got her attention, then pointed at her, then Sirius, then pulling my hands together to form a heart. She shook her head and James must have seen because he choked on his pumpkin juice and fell on the floor laughing.

             "What?" Sirius asked, confused.

             "Well, D-" I started, but was cut off.

            "Nothing!" Dawn said, unconvincingly. She motioned towards her plate, "Come on guys, eat already."

             After that, Dumbledore said some boring speech about believing in yourself and we all walked to the common room. We share a room with Lily so the three of us walked up the stairs to our room and settled down. I stood up and went to the dresser with my clothes. One by one, I dropped them into a drawer. I decided to at least start a conversation with the girls while I did so. "You fancy Sirius, don't you Dawn?"

             "What?" Lily said, standing up from bed and running over stand near us, "Don't. He's known here as a ladies man and will only go out with you to check you off his list." She warned. You could see in her eyes she was sorry to tell us that, she actually cared.

             I could see Dawn's face fall slightly, "It's fine, I wasn't interested really. What about you and Remus, huh Scarlet?" She said, winking at me.

             I blushed, " I just met him!"

             "So you do like him!" Lily and Dawn said simultaneously. Oh Merlin.... I decided to just let it go and finish unpacking. Wait I'm a witch, what am I doing? I grabbed my wand and pointed it at by suitcase of items.

           "Onpactacious!" The clothes moved from the bag and into the dresser, which was way more simple than doing it myself.

            "Lily are you in here?" I turned to see two girls walking into the dorm. One of them was a sort of chubbier girl who was smiling, she looked so happy and nice. The other was a blonde girl wearing tons of blue, there wasn't much else to describe her.

            "Oh hey Alice!" She said, giving the plump one a hug, her green eyes twinkling. "And nice to see you again too Grace." She gave the other girl a hug and then stepped back, pointing to us. "Girls, this is Dawn and Scarlet who just got her from Beauxbaton. You two, this is Alice and Grace as you might have heard earlier."

            Alice walked over, "You guys put on quite a show during the sorting." She laughed, "I must admit it was entertaining." Dawn and I smirked at each other and thanked her.

           Grace walked next to her, smiling, "It was quite entertaining indeed. I'm really tired though but we should all talk another time? It'll be like having a giant sleepover from now on right?" She laughed, it was a nice sound almost delicate, like bells. Merlin, this girl makes us all look like ogres.

          Well with friends like these, this year should be fun.

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