IT CHARACTERS : They show affection to you in front of the others

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- "Oh, yeah boys! Take a long
look at the action you're NOT getting."

- Will attempt to make out with you, but will end up getting his glasses thrown off his face.

- "I don't think I want any part of
that action."


- Everyone will be laughing at Richie, even you.

- "You should see what kind of
action she gives me behind doors th-"


- shOok.


- Stuttering a mile a minute.

- Trying his best to act cool.

- Kissing you very smoothly, but accidentally biting your lip.

- "OW! BILL!"

"I-I'm sorry! S-So sorry!"

- The boys all laughing at his awkward kissing.

"Someone's not getting it tonight!"

"Yeah, you."

"Eddie. I'm getting tired of you."


- After doing it, he will be wheezing
VERY hard.

- Will have to race to his fanny pack.


- Tries to find the other to realize it's hung around his waist.

- Breathing heavily.

- Tries to act it off and will wrap his arm around your shoulder.

- "See how much she loved that?"

"Sure, wheezer. "


- The two of you usually keep things private, and never feel comfortable kissing in front of the others.

- It GeTs aWKwArD.


- No fucks are given.

- She will literally kiss you ANYWHERE. The park, school, and hell even Church.

[ You're a sinner. ]

- Kissing in front of the boys isn't much different.

- "ThIS IS HOT!1!1"

"But we're not hot for you,"



- Next stop : Flustered teenage boys with red faces.


- He will be really civil about it.

- Will ask for granted permission before kissing you, but sweetly.

- "You two are so cute!!"

- A bunch of AWW's

- No one will take it to extreme, because they already know how uncomfortable it would make the both of you.

- The CuTest couple in the group though. LikE Bill and Beverly who?


- It'll be sweet and simple!

- Hand holding and if he feels
cheeky enough, it'll be cheek kissing.

- He will actually be so ReD, that he could resemble a tomato.

- "There is NO WAY that the Pillsbury Dough boy is getting more action than me!"

"I thought you weren't a virgin?"

"Right. No one asked you Eddie!"

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