Chapter 12: SUPRISE!!!

Start from the beginning

"Harry Kissed Seline."

I felt anger boil up inside of me, "Harry Kissed Who?."I said my voice filled with anger. "WHERE IS HARRY?!"I shouted Louis looked scared "I don't know."He whispered not making eye contact I was so furious! When Harry sees me he's going to be sorry!

(Harry's P.O.V.)

I was pacing around the Lobby, why did I do that?! "Ha-Harry?"I heard someone say, I turned around it was Niall."What"I hissed. "You okay mate? What happened??"He asked looking concerened, Oh god If I told him, he'd hate me I just kissed Liam's girl, he'll think I'm stealing her away from Liam just like I did with Niall and Lilly..."I can't tell you."I said I could tell I looked guilty, "Hazza, Tell me,"Niall said as he sat on the lobby couch, I sat across from him.."I-I sort of...I-"I couldn't say it."Come on, out with it mate."Niall said "I Kissed Seline"I said. Niall's smile quickly faded, he looked at me he gave me a how could you face.."Harry...Don't you know Liam and Seline are."Niall began to sa but I cut him off. "Yes! I do know that! I-I just liked her so much and I-I I Ugh!"I said then quickly stood up. "Harry if you and Liam both like her...You know you guys"Niall said hoping I'd catch on, I did If we both liked her that means I'll have to fight for her, I'm sure Niall was gonna say diffrent but this was my way..."Shall we go up to the room?"Niall askedStanding up. "Yeah I guess"I said. Niall nodded.


We got up to the room I walked in first, I saw Louis on the couch looking guilty, Niall walked in after me. Then I saw him, Liam, he had his hands at his sides, they were in fists. He looked angry, very angry, he spoke up,

"Harry! You son of a bitch!"

I slowly shut the door, I didn't know what to do Liam had every right to be mad. "You-You! I HATE YOU!"Liam said, he walked up to me. Louis went to his side a placed a hand on his shoulder Liam shook him off "Go away Louis"Liam said Louis backed up shocked by Liams reaction. "How could you do that to me?! I thought you were my mate! You disgust me!"Liam shouted at me he held the back of his head and turned around he paced the floor. "Same goes to you"I said. Liam turned around his face red. "Excuse me? What did you just say? What did I do Harry? Huh?"Liam said getting in my face. "Everything! I LIKED SELINE!"I screamed at him. "Excuse me?! YOUR THE ONE WHO KISSED HIS BEST MATES GIRLFRIEND BEHIND HIS BACK! AGAIN ACTUALLY! Remember last year Lily? Huh? Do ya? Poor Niall really liked her then you came in!"Liam yelled at me shoving my chest. Liam was never to yell or hit, if he ever did he'd say sorry, this time he didn't, I shoved him back Liam was about the same height as me maybe half an inch taller. Niall who was inches shorter than us got in the middle of us trying to break up the fight "Guys! Stop!"Niall said he quickly got pushed to the side. I Grabbed Liam by his flannel he grabbed my shirt."Don't you dare bring up Lily! I told you I didn't mean to!"I shouted in Liam's face "You also said you'd never do that again, ohh wait you lied! You kissed Seline MY girlfriend!!"Liam shouted back. "Girlfriend? Girlfriend?! No you guys aren't!"I shouted "Yes We Are!!!"Liam shouted he threw a punch at me I ducked and he missed me hitting Niall instead. "LIAM!"Louis shouted. I Heared a door open, but I was to angry to think about it, me and Liam kept yelling at each other Louis kept pushing us away from each other. Suddenly I heard someone shout at the top of there lungs."What in the bloody hell is going on here?!" I turned around to see Krissy standing in the doorway. Her face shocked, Ashley standing behind her. "WELL?! HELLO?? WHAT HAPPENED?? NIALL!"She yelled then ran over to Niall who now had a black eye forming. "Lou go get some ice! Niall lay down in my room. LIAM HARRY YOU TWO SIT NOW!"She said, by the tone in her voice I could tell she was in no Happy mood. "Krissy I-"Liam began to say "SIT!"She demanded shutting the door."Ashley went with Niall and cared for his eye. Louis stood behind Krissy. "Now I'll ask one of you to speak your side of the story I'll give you the talking stick, this pencil, and if the other interupts, well you won't okay"She said sternly. We nodded. "Liam, what happened?"Krissy asked giving him the pencil "Harry Kissed Seline!!! He kissed her and he I-I hate him he's a bastard!"Liam shouted. "Your the bastard You!"I shouted then I felt water being sprayed at me "HEY!" I said covering my face. Krissy sprayed me with a water gun. "1) Don't interupt! 2)Both of you stop yelling! 3) Liam has the stick so shut it!"She said. I pushed Liam, then we started slapping each other."Lou Would you?"Krissy said Louis broke up the fight, then krissy sprayed us both. "Were not animals! Stop spraying us!"Liam said "You sure are acting like animals!"She said. She took the stick and gave it to me "Harry, Now you can Speak. Did you or did you not Kiss her?" She said. "I-I did...But I liked her first!"I said. "I always liked her! Liam took her from me!"I shouted. Krissy placed her hand on her head."Will you please stop yelling"she whispered. "Sorry"I whispered. She grabbed the pencil. "Why are you two being such idiots?!"She said, non of us spoke."Well, lads? You going to awnser me?"She said I pointed to the pencil. She threw it across the room "Forget the pencil!"She said. We just sat there, after krissy. "Krissy! Wait up!"I shouted, that girl can run! I caught up with her right before the elevator closed I slipped in."God! Will you leave me alone!"She shouted."No, You could get lost...where are you even going??"I said. She didn't speak "You Don't know do you?"I said, she wiped away a tear and shook her head. I held out my arms, she came in them and I hugged her, she hugged me back "You know, if I weren't so sad right now, I'd hit you for being such an idiot."She whispered, I just nodded and laughed. "She really loves Liam"She said. My heart sank, I knew she did..."I-I...I know"I said..."I'm sorry"Krissy told me, I just stood there. The elevator opened we walked into the lobby."Well, what now?"I asked. She just shrugged."Hungry?"I asked, She nodded, we went to the restraunt. We sat down and ordered out food, "So what are you going to do?"Krissy asked me. "I don't know.."I said. I really liked Seline but she was Liams...She was just so pretty...and beautiful...All I thought of was how Pretty she was..."Well, why do you like her?"She asked. "She's beautiful...and err..."I couldn't think of anymore. "And? Harry...It sounds like you just think she's hot"Krissy said. I looked down, I let myself believe I was in love with Seline because I just wanted someone to love..Truth is I'm lonely..."You-You're right...I don't really love her, do I?"I asked. I was so confused, I felt like I was in love but not with Seline...Then Who? "Hazza, I don't wanna be mean but, I'm so confused myself and you know"Krissy said, who was now donw eating her food and now eyeing mine. "You want some?"I asked laughing she nodded and I shared my food."Krissy?"I said "Yeah?"She said swallowing the food. "Where does it all go??"I asked laughing she playfully hit my arm. "Sooooo"Krissy said filling the silence. "You want to order a coffee?"I asked "Well, Uhh, I've never tried it"She mumbled."Really? Ohh I wanna see this!"I said ordering us coffee. "Can I tell you something?"Krissy asked me Her voice serious. "Yeah, Of course..."I said. "This Morning, I remembered 2011..."She began to say. "Really? Thats great Krissy!"I said, but she didn't look happy, she looked worried "Krissy?"I said worried. She took a deep breath, "I called the doctor and told him, He said that I have a certain type of amnesia, and it's good that I'm recovering, remembering quickly, and I should remember what happened this year, 2012 soon..But he said I have to remember by Saturady, or..."Krissy began to say but she couldn't. "Or what"I asked, worry in my voice..She didn't speak she looked down. "Krissy, Tell me."I said lifting her chin so she was looking at me. "Or I will never remember it and he-he said I could forget all over again..."She said, fear in her voice. Forget? Again, is that even possible? (Idk how some amnesia types work but hello this is Fiction haha) "Well, Lets hope for the best..."I said. "I'm scared Harry, I really want to remember..."Krissy whispered. "You Love Niall, You do again, don't you" I said, She nodded."Yes, Ohh my god, Yes I do! I do I do I do!"Krissy said a goofy smile forming on her face. "He Loves You too, you know."I said, her eyes lit up. "He does....I really want to remember Harry, I really do."Krissy said. The waitress came back and gave us our coffee and the bill. I sipped my coffee, Krissy just starred at hers. "Well, Drink up!"I said pushing the coffee mug towards her. She slowly picked up the cup, and drank some, her face got all scrunched up. "Ewww! This is so bitter and nasty!"she said. I got a picture of her face, "Priceless!"I said showing her the picture, then I tweeted it "Hey, whats your twitter?"I asked "@KristinaMoore ...Why? Wait! Don't you dare!!!"She said trying to grab my phone."To late!"I said laughing. "Soooo, what now? Can we go back up?"Krissy asked, "Sure.."I said, I didn't really want to see Liam, but there was no where else to go...Here we go.....We stood right outside the door. "Harry?"Krissy said. "Yes?"I said. "Do You think that Niall will, err nevermind.." she said "What? No, tell me"I said.."So you think he'll forgive me"She said she was shaking a bit. "Forgive you? What'd you do?"I asked, "I-I, when he loved me I pushed him away....He cared for me and I thought he was a bad guy when he is probably the best thing that has ever happened to me!"She said a tear escaping her eye."Krissy, you were having a rough time! You lost your memory, you didn't remember him! It's not your fault!"I said wiping away her tear. "Listen, He loves you and You love him, you guys are meant to be together."I said, she smiled."Come here"I said holding out my arms embracing her in a hug. The door opened, "Oh! Harry making a move on Krissy too eh?"Liam said. I pulled away from Krissy."Liam, you know I didn't mean to do that to Seline, I'm sorry...Can we please talk about it."I said Liam rolled his eyes, he was really mad.."Liam?.. is Niall still here?"Krissy asked, "Yeah he's in your room, C'mon I'll take you there don't want Harry doing something bad to you too."Liam said motioning Krissy to come in. I walked in, I was being ignored...

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