Discontinue or Nah

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Dear Readers,
          I'm really sorry for not updating for the passed few months. I'm really really sorry for that. For the passed for months, I've been thinking whether I should continue the book or discontinue it until I found my motivation and inspiration. For those who know me, I don't think you guys need to read this any further since you know my reasons. But for those who doesn't, I prefer you continue reading this.

            So where do I start? I guess i'll explain it for the start, do I? Okay so when I first started making this book I felt inspired to make it with someone special to me. He gave me inspiration to write this and he even supported me and gave me ideas 'til the recent chapter. I became more focus on this book, I hardly spent my time with him. We barely "hang-out" and if ever we have the time, we just spent like half an hour together or less. I felt like we're not anymore like we used to be. And if I remember correctly, it was 4-5 months ago, he finally have enough and told me that "maybe we're meant to be" because of that I became depressed and lost my motive and inspiration to write. And every time I write some chapter, there's no idea going to my mind but him. I guess "he" was so special to me that I start thinking that I lost what I have. I know its a shallow excuse but please give me some time to find my inspiration again. Thank you for your understanding.

Yours truly,

P.S. Comment if you want me to continue this book or not. Thanks.

'Till I Met You (Rogue X Reader) *DISCONTINUE*Where stories live. Discover now