Chapter 34: Sweet Beginning

Start from the beginning

He slammed his hands on the door once again. A single tear left my eye as I realize that I wounded myself because of my own pinch. It's stinging due that my tear fell on it.

"Aww.." I whispered, but didn't thought he'll hear.

"(Y/n), are you going to open the door or I will have to kick this shit to let you out?" He demanded.

As I heard what he said. I immediately unlocked the door and came out of the closet, revealing Levi who smelled like....

Oh yeah, I forgot. It's vomit.

But when I faced him, I realized that I forgot to wipe my tears away.

"Why are you crying? Are you hurt?" He asked wiping the tears from my cheeks.

I shooked my head, looking down until he saw the blood from my arm.

"What happened?" He asked, showing concern and worry.

"It's... nothing." I mumbled.

"This isn't nothing. This is something, you're hurt and it looks deep. Wait-" he examined the wound. "Where did you get this?"

"Uhh... I got bruised on a..." I paused for a moment. "Hanging nail. Yeah, that's it. Hanging nail... on the closet."

He furrowed his eyebrows. "Got bruised?" He turned his gaze back at the wound that I tried on retrieving but failed. "It seems like this is bitten or pinched."

Okay. He's such an observant. Sigh.

"Now tell me the truth."

"I..." I was embarrassed. I wounded myself just because of a small subject. "I pinched.... my arm... "

"And why would you do that?" Levi raised an eyebrow.

"Do I really have to tell you?" I asked, hoping not to.

"Of course."

I sighed in defeat. "I was just.... carried away. I thought everything wasn't true so I thought pinching myself would prove it. But I overdo..."

He chuckled. I knew it. I was embarassed. Okay bye.

"What's so funny?" I asked annoyed.

"Nothing. You're just cute." He settled down and sighed. "You could've told me. I have thousands of ways to prove you everything was real."

I looked away, still embarrassed. "Yeah... sure."

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about, (y/n). Let's just treat that wound and smile." He said softly and cupped my cheeks stretching it gently to form a smile on my lips.

It's just weird that he's wearing a deadpan face while doing this.

"Alright, " I replied until I remember something he has to do first. "But before that, please....Levi, you smell foul."

He sniffed a bit which I found cute. "Disgusting." He mumbles as he walks through the shower.

I giggled at how cute he was especially when it comes to hygiene and cleanliness. After a second, I heard the shower running signaling that he was already taking a bath when I grabbed the medication kit at the bathroom. He was in the shower so I won't see him.

After getting the kit, I sat on my bed and started preparing the things I needed when my phone rang.

'Hanji calling....'

I touched my phone to answer her call and was greeted with her usual enthusiasm.

"Hey, (r/n)! How are you feelin' today? Hmm??" She asked with a hint of expectations on her voice.

"Are you assuming that something happened?" I smirked over the phone, waiting for her answer.

"Well, let's see..." Hanji hummed as if thinking of something. "I saw (y/n) and shorty yesterday laying on the sands over the shore embracing each other! But sadly they were already asleep but it's still sweet!"

My cheeks burned red after recalling every single detail of yesterday's memories. "That's not a big deal. Afterall were drunk."

Okay, the fact that they still haven't knew about what Levi and I talked about last night has something to do with what I told Hanji.

"Ohh reallyy~?" She chuckled as if she's not buying it. "Then how about when he asked, '(Y/n), will you go out with me?'"

I blushed even more. "What?-! How do you-!"

"Ohh my dear (r/n), Nanaba and I were great spies so no offence." Hanji laughed.

"Hanji!" I half-yelled until I saw Levi went out of the bathroom already dressed up. It just took him a matter of time. How fast. "Okay, I'll contact you later."

I hung up and put my phone down while smiling innocently at Levi. He furrowed his eyebrows and asks.

"What are you smiling at?"

I shrugged. "I was just happy?" I chuckled nervously. "I... uhh.. guess?"

"I don't think so." he shooked his head.

"Oh shush, don't mind me." I rolled my eyes and waved my hand but I hit my hand with my other ones. "Oww.." I hissed.

"Hey, are you alright?" He walked to me.

"Uhh... no? As you can see." I said literally.

He laughed a bit. "I know." Levi grabbed my wrist as well as the med kit and started treating my wound.

As he put some Antiseptic, I felt it stingy so I cringe but tried to bear the pain by closing my eyes.

"Tell me when it hurts." He suddenly said while working on my wrist.

"It actually do.." I mumbled as he suddenly blows into it gently.

I blushed at how he cared. "I'm not a kid..."

"I don't care as long as it lessens the pain. It's a deep wound, you know?" He scolds.

"Yeah... but-"

"You know, I hate hearing complaints so shut up or I'll punish you." Levi demanded as he slowly put bandages around my hand as if I was gonna go boxing. "Done."

"Thank you..." I smiled sincerely.

"No problem. Just don't ever do that again... alright?" Levi gave my hand a peck and ruffled my hair.

This is another side of him that can be shown when he's with me. How amazing it is...

People tend to change in the name of love...

Perfectly Matched | Levi X Reader •AU•  (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now