Chapter Twelve. Coma

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   Tithen opened her eyes to find a white ceiling above her. She was on a a soft bed with with a light soft blue and pink and green quilt pulled up to her waist.

  She sat up and looked around the room. It was her room, but something didn't seem right. Outside was calm and bright, but it was silent. Nothing was moving, there wasn't any wind, the bugs weren't making any noise, heck not even the birds were singing.

  Tithen climbed out of the bed, and went to go look around. Everything looked the same, but somehow Tithen knew it wasn't the same.

  "Will? Mrs. Heidie?" She called out.

  Nothing responded, then something made a noise up stairs.

  "Come out, I already know you can't hurt me. None of this is real." Tithen called out firmly.

  A door opened and an old lady came out of the room next to Tithen. The elderly lady had black hair with silver streaks through it. Her eyes were dark blue. Looking closer, Tithen noticed an odd royal purple patch in the lady's hair.

   "Who are you?" Tithen asked then she stopped herself. "You know what never mind. It wouldn't make a difference on my life, this is just a dream."

  "How do you know if it's a dream?" The lady asked.

  "The first thing I noticed when I ' woke up ' was that my ceiling was white. In real life it has paintings all over it. The second thing I noticed was that it was sunny and silent. When in actuality there is a hurricane happening on the farm. And if it were actually sunny, it would not be this quiet at all." Tithen explained.

   The lady smiled, "you're a clever one that's for sure. My name Echo. So you're the little broken cowgirl that's in love with a farm boy."

  Tithen blinked, "wow okay this dream is kind of realistic. How would you know that anyway?"

  "You said it, this is a dream right?" Echo said turning and limping away.

   "This is a dream right?" Tithen asked after Echo. "Excuse me Mrs. Echo, this is a dream right? Hello? I would like an answer please."

  Echo didn't reply, and instead walked calmly outside into the sunny afternoon. Tithen looked around ten she began to follow Echo.

  They walked in silence for a long while. "You know you've been asleep for a total of three days right." Echo suddenly spoke up, catching Tithen completely off guard.

   "That's not right. I fell off my horse and blacked out. Will has probably just brought me to the barn where he, and I will wait out the storm." Tithen corrected.

  "You fell from you horse, told Will you were fine, started to walk back to your horse then got struck by lightning." Echo corrected Tithen's correction. "Then Will, in udder horror, grabbed you, brought you too the barn, called his mother while beginning to do compressions on you, because you weren't breathing. They couldn't get an ambulance to your location. So Will chose to take you on his horse and gallop through the hurricane weather to get you too the house where they could transfer you too a hospital. You've been in a three day coma since."

   Tithen had stopped, and was now starring at Echo in disbelief. "You're making this up, aren't you?" Flashbacks began filling her head.

  Will's horse rearing and going to a gallop while Will held on to her to keep her from falling off. Doctors and nurses all around her. And then nothing.

   "Tithen, you okay? I can't have you black out just yet come on get up." Echo's voice sound somewhere above Tithen.

   She opened her eyes, and found that she was staring at tree branches. She was laying on her back. Echo was looking down at her.

  "What did you do to me?" Tithen asked coldly, as she stood up.

   Echo blinked at her, "I gave you the Star Power."

  "And just what is that exactly?" Tithen snapped, suddenly defensive.

  Echo didn't respond, and instead turned away from Tithen. Cold wind started swirling around them. Then a blinding light flashed. Tithen squinted trying to find Echo through the light. When the light faded, and Tithen could see Echo, she fell backwards in shock, and terror. Echo no longer looked like an old lady, and instead looked like a young lady with green fire surrounding her.

   "This is the Star Power, Tithen." Echo turned and looked at her. "And you have it to. Can you control it?"

   "I can't even activate it, how could I control it?" Tithen asked.

  "You already activated it, but can you control it?" Echo said.

  Tithen looked down at her hands, green flames surrounded them.
  This caused Tithen to jump so hard that she fell over. And then in an instant she was sitting up in a bed. Flames still covered her hands which meant that they covered her entire body. Tithen started to panic, she knew that she was awake now.

  "Tithen?" Will's terrified voice sounded across the room from her.

  She swung her head around to look at him. He jumped, when she looked at him. The flames around Tithen disappeared and she let out a breath of exhaustion.

   Will's shoulders relaxed and he took a shaky breath. "Are you okay?" He asked walking towards her slowly.

   "I..." Tithen started to cry, "I don't know."

  Will sat on the bed beside her, and wrapped his arms around her shoulders. "We'll figure it out, don't worry." He tried to comfort her.

   "I already know what it is, but I don't know what to do with it or how to control it." Tithen cried into Will's shirt.
   "Well that's a start, can you tell me what it is?" He asked her.

  "It's called the Star Power. Well that's what I was told anyway." Tithen said trying to stop crying.

  Will smiled at her. "Well it would help to explain the green fire and the pretty pink stripe in your hair. If you have a power of some kind. Let me go look in the library and see if I can't find some more information on this Star Power. You get some rest."

  Tithen smiled as Will stared to leave the room. "Hey, thanks Will." She called after him.

  "Yes ma'am." Was the reply she got.





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