Note from the Author

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      Hi I hope you are enjoying the story so far. A few quick things I want to talk about. Number one, I will try to get at least two chapters out every Saturday and, maybe Sunday I will get one or two chapters out. I can't do chapters during the week because I'm swamped by school. Number two, the pictures that I uploaded to the chapters were done by me. That is what the characters look like for the most part. I know I didn't explain what they looked like very well in the story. I'm working on pictures for Tithen and, William. But it might take awhile to finish them. I have a busy life.

   Anyway, number three, I have a friend who wants to know where I'm going with this story and, I imagine there are others who want to know as well. And my answer is, I plan to make a trilogy at least, at most I plan four or five books. Where the story itself goes will be revealed as I write the story. I'm not going to give big spoilers out. Little hints at what might happen, I might do.

  One more thing I would love to know your thoughts on the story so far. Is it good? Is it horrible? Do you like the characters? Do you hate the characters? Do you have any suggestions that you think will make the story better? Please feel free to ask me I'm not going to be like "This is my story you can't tell me what to do" that's just not who I am. Anyways I hope you enjoy the rest of the book and I will talk to y'all later. Stay safe and have a good school year. ;-)

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