Chapter Three. Recovery

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Keith jerked awake, scaring the puppy at his chest, as well as Star. Who sat a little ways from him. The look of relief on her face was the first thing he saw.

Hi how do you feel?" She pressed her face into his cheek

"I've felt better" He shifted.

The puppy at his chest whined because of his sudden movements away from her. He tried to settle himself so that she could sleep.

"Good with a bit more rest you should be back to normal." A deep gruff voice said from the back of the cave they were in.

"Do you have any guesses as to why I'm not dead?" Keith asked

Ano stepped out of the shadows and, looked at Keith. Then he shook his head."No sorry we haven't a clue aside from God bringing you back to life. Now get some more rest. Star and I will go hunting a little bit later. But you need rest to let you body heal the rest of the way. Your neck and spine should be broken and they're not. Somehow they healed but, you've been out for Three days. You're going to be pretty weak for awhile."

Star stepped towards him. "Plus while Ano and I are hunting you need a bit of energy to watch the little puppies. They're a pawful." She said.

Keith let his head drop to his paws. So much had happened in so little time. He began to slip into unconsciousness. And the last thing he remembered was hearing Star come and curl up next to him.

"You going to be fine just let yourself heal." She whispered to him.

The next time Keith awoke was because little paws jumped on his nose. He lifted his head and opened his eyes. The two puppies were sitting a little ways from him now.

"I told you we'd wake him up. Aunt Star told us not to wake him up." The little boy whispered just loud enough for Keith to hear.

"You were the one who jumped on him." The little girl snapped.

Keith couldn't help but, laugh."You two remind me of the way I use to be with my brother."

"We're sorry we woke you up, are you gonna be mad at us?" The little girl squeaked.

"No I'm not mad. I needed to get up anyways. Do you know where Star and Conner are?" Keith sat up.

"They went hunting" The little boy said.

"You're really big and strong looking. You could squish us flat." The little girl said looking up at him.

"Hmm Well I'm felling really tired I could just fall over." Keith did a fake yawn and, started to lean over the puppies. Who proceeded to squeal and run into each other.

Keith sat back up."So what are your names?" He asked.

"I'm Holly and, this is my Numbskull of a brother Patch." The girl said hoping up and down.

"How did you get hurt? You look like no one could hurt you." Patch asked.

"A tree bit me." Keith said.

Patch started laughing and, Holly cocked her head looking at Keith unbelievingly.

"Trees can't bite you." She said.

"Well this one tried to. It fell on top of me trying to eat me." Keith said.

Holly looked at Keith with big blue eyes."Can you tell us a story?" She asked suddenly.

"I don't see why not. What story do you want?" Keith laid back down.

"Tell us how you got the scar on your ear please." Patch pounced on to Keith's shoulders. Holly came and snuggled up to Keith's chest.

He began telling them how he got the scar on his ear.

He began telling them how he got the scar on his ear

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