Chapter Ten. The Battle

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  Keith jumped back as flames shot up at him. The other wolf jumped up and lashed out at Keith. He dodged and swiped back catching the other wolf's cheek. Blood splattered across the grass.

  Flames engulfed the clearing, both from Keith and the other wolf. The heat was intense and the flames hurt. Keith was also already getting tried. The effort it took to keep his flames going was increasingly hard.

  The other wolf pounced forward landing on top of Keith and ripping at his shoulder. Blood began to pour from the wound.

  Keith turned and bit down on the other wolf's front paw. He could taste the blood and almost gagged. But he stopped himself and bit harder. He felt the bone crack in his mouth.

  He let go and jumped back, astonished that the other wolf hadn't howled in pain. Keith had just broken his leg in his mouth, and the other wolf didn't even react.

When Keith looked the other wolf was literally standing as if his leg had never been broken.

  The other wolf attacked again, his claws raked down Keith's side. Keith howled and jumped on top of the other wolf. He clawed at the wolf's chest and face.

  Something blasted Keith in the side, he went flying into a nearby tree. He felt several of his ribs break as he hit and slid to the ground.

  His fire depleted and his vision blurred. Whoever this wolf was he had complete control over his power, and there was no chance for Keith to beat him.

  Then Keith started thinking about Star racing through the trees with the puppies and Ano. If Keith couldn't beat this wolf he would go and kill them.

  This gave Keith enough energy to stand up again. He howled and activated his power again. The other wolf cocked his head.

  "I must commend you for your determination. You can clearly tell that you won't win, and yet you still stand up to fight." He said  slowly.

  Keith staggered, but stayed on his feet. "You heard me, didn't you?" He coughed. "I said I wouldn't die. Not here anyway."

  Both wolves readied themselves and attacked again. They inflicted damage to each other constantly, and healed just the same. Their battle continued for another three to four hours.

  Throughout the fight Keith gained better control over his power. He now knew how to heal, and injure using his flames. He knew how to throw the flames, use the flames as a shield. And activating his power was easy now.

  Finally they broke apart and landed across from each other. Both wolves were exhausted, beat, and bloody.

  "You put up more of a fight than I expected." The other wolf panted.

  "I told you I wouldn't die." Keith panted back at him.

Bits of fire flickered here, and there all around them. Ash floated down around them. Everything around their battlefield was charred, burned, and something's had even been incinerated.

  Their battlefield was black and brown. There was no grass or leaves on the trees anymore.

  The other wolf activated his power again. Keith did the same. And they attacked each other once again. Keith was done with this fight once and for all.

  He charged up for a final attack. Keith was compressing all of his power within himself, ready to be realised in one huge explosion.

  "What are you doing?" The other wolf sounded genuinely confused and scared. Realization dawned in his eyes. "What are you doing!? You are going to destroy both of us! Stop! I am honestly telling you to stop for your own good! Keith stop!"

  It was to late, the other wolf threw up his flames in a shield. Keith let his power out in a huge explosion. Dust, and ash flew into the air, the ground disappeared under Keith. The flames around Keith went from green to red to blue then white.

  The sound of the explosion echoed in Keith's ears. The earth shook, the air was so full dust, and ash that Keith couldn't breath.

  When things were starting to settle down Keith's flame went back to normal then it disappeared. He was in mid air when his flame went so he fell to the earth bellow him. He crumpled as he hit the ground.

  Keith started losing consciousness. The last thing he saw was the other wolf come running over, his flames were green and it looked like he was trying to heal Keith.

  But that was the last thing Keith saw before he blacked out completely.

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