The Aftermath

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If anyone was to ask what happened in that short period of time that I was alone with Alex before he started harassing me I would probably stare blankly at them trying to put the fuzzy memories back together. That was exactly what I was doing minutes after the medjacks came and took the broken nosed boy away, face to face with an angry leader of the Gladers, my sweaty, shaking hands holding onto Newt's arm.
"What happened you shank?!" Alby shouted right at my face "Did you provoke him?! Stop staring at me like I'm a suck griever and answer me!"
"What's a griever...?" I asked with a small voice that didn't really sound like mine.
"Shut it Grennie!!" He said now turning his attention to Newt, his stare hardening even more "Why did you do that?! You are supposed to be my second in command and you go around pouncing Gladers?!"
Newt was silent just staring at Alby with a glare
"I should throw you in the suck slammer for what you did! Maybe even the Cliff!" he shouted, spit coming out of his mouth. "I should feed the both of you to the Grievers!"
By then I was shaking, squeezing Newt's shirt in my hands
"Alby..." "Shut your sucking pie hole Newt I'm not done talking!" "Alby!" "I said shut up"
"No you bloody shut up!! I don't care if you are the leader or my best friend I was not about to let Luna get harassed by that idiot with klunk in his head! She is new and she is a girl and we let her all alone with Alex and his hormones! All I did was protect her, something WE should have done!" By the end of his little speech Newt was breathing heavily and his ears were as red as a tomato.
There was a pause. It was like time was standing still, with Newt breathing, Alby staring at him and me trying not to let the sobs that were building in my throat sound.
"Ok I think that's enough for one day. We are all really tired so let's just head to bed and we'll figure this out in the morning" Minho's voice sounded so far away at first I thought this was me talking to myself, but it was far too logical to have been my thought.
"Come on Luna let's get you to bed, yeah?" He said touching my shoulder
The moment he did I wrapped my hand tighter around Newt's arm and hid my face into his neck. His hands wrapped protectively around my waist and he squeezed me into his chest. "I'll get her to bed" Newt said with a dangerously calm voice. I couldn't see Minho's face but I heard him mumble an OK.
Newt led me outside and I felt the cold wind in my face. The Glade was quite and most of the boys were already sleeping in there respective hammocks. He kept his hand on the small of my back, guiding me up the stairs of the Homestead. We reached my room and Newt pushed at the door, it giving away with a crack. My room was practically empty except of the bed and the small dresser. We reached my bed and Newt made lie down. My brain was in a haze, I didn't comprehend what was happening, it was like my mind had completely shut down. I wasn't closing my eyes, I was just staring at Newt.
"Just sleep, love. We will short things out tomorrow." He said with a voice so sweet and calming it seemed like a lullaby to me. I nodded closing my eyes and turning on my side. I felt Newt push the hair out of my face and get up to leave.
"Stay..." I said with a sleepy voice already slipping into oblivion "I don't want to be alone..."
With that I heard him shit down on the wooden floor next to my bed "Okay love don't worry"
I felt myself falling completely into the sweet abyss of sleep but it was like I was forced to say one last thing
"I really didn't want to forget..."
And with that I fell into a restless sleep with dreams of steak, bloody noses and a spitting Alby...

A.N. Hey guys! I just wanted to apologise for this chapter being so small!
Also I would like to thank all of you for your support! I was thinking of not continuing this story but it is kinda gaining in popularity so I decided to keep trying. Promise to do my best! Please help me with your comments and thoughts and stay unique my lovelies!

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