The arrival

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Newt's P.O.V

It was your normal day in the glade. Awfully hot and noisy, with gladers making all kind of stupid jokes about the new 'lucky' shank that comes through that sucking box today. A new greennie every month and then supplies every week. Bloody perfect...

" Newt get here you shank" Alby's booming voice brought me back from my thoughts. I got there as fast as I could from the Homestead. The greennie alarm would stop soon and I needed to help the poor shank as everyone knows Gally is very harsh towards every new addition to the glade. I pushed my way trough the crowd of sweaty teenage boys throwing a couple of 'sorry's, ' I need to pass trough's and a ' bloody move it you slinthead' when needed of course.

I went and stood by Alby, waiting for the box to come at a halt in order to open the doors before that shank in there klunkes his pants. Finally the box stopped moving and we were able to open it...
?'s P.O.V

I woke up with a jolt. The first thing that hit me was the awful sent in the air and the metallic sounds that sounded around me. Then I realized that I had no memories of my past. I could remember how to ride a bike but not who taught me. I knew that I had a family but I didn't know if I had any siblings. I recalled that the stars came out at night but not the person I watched them with. But most of all I knew I had a name but I didn't know what exactly my name was. Maybe it started with an 'L' or maybe an 'N' or maybe a 'T'...? Or were this the names of someone else that came into my mind?

I was in too much of a shock to realize that the box-like elevator I was in, was moving and rather fast, if I say so myself. Suddenly it came to a halt making me bump my head in the wall behind me. I saw some light but I couldn't understand if it was man-made or daylight, either way it was better then this excuse of an elevator that smelled like a stable and obviously had some stable residences inside of it as well...

I heard a bump and then another and then I heard voices and from what I could tell all belonged to males... I only got part of the conversations but they were useless as I couldn't understand a word:

" Bloody shank must have klunked his pants " said one
" Like you didn't when you were a Grennie" replied another
" What keeper do you think he will get?" And another one
" Maybe Cook? Or Med-jack?" Someone replied
"If he cooks better then Frypan then that's fine with me!"

"SHUT UP ALL OF YOU" That voice got everyone in order. I made a mental note that he probably is the leader but that still didn't help much in my situation. I had no idea what they talked about as their vocabulary was foreign, I didn't know why they referred to me as a 'he' and to be honest... I was scared, really scared...

Suddenly my instincts kicked in. I needed I weapon, I didn't know if I was safe or not so I should be able to defend myself if necessary. I frantically searched for something useful, but the doors above me were opening so I grabbed the only thing in reach, which with my luck was a pan.

The doors now were fully open and I saw two boys jumping in the box without a second thought, like they have been doing this their whole lives. The fist one had a strong built and seemed like he constantly had a frown on his face, while his eyebrows seemed like they were high (if you get what I mean). The second one was tall and seemed fit, with saggy blonde hair and warm brown eyes (not that I looked at them).

"Rise and shiiin..." eyebrow guy said but caught himself before he finished and looked at me with a look of shock.
That got the attention of the Blondie as well as he looked at me with the same look without saying a word.
"What's the delay you bloody shanks?" the booming voice from earlier said
"It' a g-girl..." said the Blondie and now I realized he had an accent
That's when I heard a bunch of mumbling saying things like:
"I call dibs" and "Is she hot", "How old is she?", "I saw her first", "You didn't she her first you slinthead she is in the box"

That was it! Now I wasn't scared, I was angry! Talking about me like I am some kind of toy. The two boys in the box with me still stood in their trance, so I took the situation at my hands. With the pan in my hand I pushed pass the two boys and with some help from a crate I climbed up the box. When I was out they all shut up, looking at me like I was an alien.

They didn't say a word for awhile but then I heard a wolf whistle. With that everyone started laughing saying I was 'hot' and that the creators (whoever they might be) finally send something to 'have fun with'. That was it I was beyond mad at that moment. I took my pan and hit the first boy I saw. Finally everyone stopped laughing and they just stared again but this time there was a hint of fear in their eyes.

"Nice hit Grennie" said the Blondie who had gotten out of the box by now " I am Newt, welcome to the glade" he said extending his hand for me to shake. I eyed his hand for awhile and then decided to take it. The moment I took Newt's hand a sock went through me, not the romantic kind of shock that creates goosebumps, it was a real shock and suddenly I was not in the real world anymore.


"Come on, come on! Wake up, wake up! Your mum made pancakes, PANCAKES!!" Said I little boy bumping up and down in my bed. I couldn't make out his features but I knew he was my friend.

"I'm up, I'm up. Come on hurry my siblings are gonna it them all" I said while grabbing his hand and running out the door, laughing with my friend.

End of Flashback

With that I felt myself drifting of to unconsciousness, the last thing I remember being two pairs of warm brown eyes...

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