A Normal Day

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Hey guys! Welcome to my new story, Warped! I hope you like it~


Nishizono Shinsuke yawns as the teacher takes the roll call. Between homework sessions with his friends, soccer training and that new game that game out a few days ago, he's been having a bit of a sleep problem.

''Nishizono Shinsuke,'' calls the teacher.

The small boy looks up. ''Hai!'' he says quickly and soon their teacher finishes the roll call. Shinsuke prepares himself for another boring day, already looking forward to the after school activities – but the teacher surprises him by what he says next.

''Okay everyone.'' The man puts the list with names down and looks at the class. ''Before we start the lesson, I have an announcement to make,'' he says, grabbing the attention of the bored teenagers. ''We are getting a new student tomorrow.''

A wave of noise rises from the class as they start talking with their friends about this new student. ''I wonder what they're like?'' muses Shinsuke's friend, Kageyama Hikaru, curiously. ''Do you think they like soccer?''

''Who knows,'' answers their other friend, Kariya Masaki. ''It would be pretty awesome to have a new member in the soccer club, though...''

The only female friend they have in this class, Sorano Aoi, sighs exasperatedly. ''Mou, boys! Don't start bugging the new student on their first day!'' she scolds gently. The last of their group, Tsurugi Kyousuke, doesn't say anything but nods in agreement.

Kariya, Shinsuke and Hikaru continue talking about the new student until Aoi shushes them. ''Shh! Hiraoka-sensei wants to continue!''

Indeed, their teacher looks very annoyed. ''Settle down, everyone!'' calls Hiraoka. After a few more tries, they finally become silent again. ''Now, I know we don't often get new students, but I want you all to be nice to him and make him feel welcome. Sorano-san,'' his gaze turns to Aoi, who looks at him curiously. ''I would like for you to show him around tomorrow, okay?''

The girl nods. ''Hai, Hiraoka-sensei.''

The teacher gives her a smile. ''Alright, that was all for now, so we'll start the lesson. I would like you to open your books at page 45...''

Shinsuke opens his book and groans. Another boring day has just begun.


Tsurugi pulls his shirt over his head, adjusting the collar a bit. The uniform of the High School Raimon team is a bit different from the one from Jr. High. A diagonal line goes from the upper left to the lower right. Under the line the shirt is white, above it the familiar yellow. Furthermore, the sleeves of the uniform are blue, just like the shorts.

Once he's dressed in his soccer jersey, he makes his way to the clubroom where a few of the older players are already waiting for the rest of the team. ''Shindou-san,'' he greets when he sees the wavy-haired teenager.

The game maker looks up from where he was reading a paper given to him by their coach and smiles at his friend. ''Oh, Tsurugi,'' he greets. ''Are the other first-years with you?'' he looks over the forward's shoulder to look for the other juniors.

''They're still changing,'' answer Tsurugi with a nod at the door to the changing rooms. ''They were distracted. We're getting a new student tomorrow,'' he says as explanation.

Shindou looks at him in surprise. ''Oh, really?''

The forward nods and they drop the subject, moving on to other, more important matters, like the strategy for their next match.

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