
I had anticipated the date being bad, but never in my wildest dreams did I think it would be this awful. It wasn't hard to figure out why Cormac wanted to take me to Hogsmeade - I figured out his motives pretty quickly from his conversation choices. He was trying out for the position of the keeper on the Gryffindor Quidditch team, and while he was clearly a skilled player, the competition was stiff. Apparently, Cormac figured it was a brilliant idea to romance the Captain's twin sister in an effort to get in his good graces. I didn't have the heart to tell him that his plan had already backfired. Once I mentioned to Harry that Cormac was taking me on a date, he immediately thought a little less of him just on principle. Since I wasn't stopping him, he was really going for it. I sat through endless stories of his, all meant to impress me, but I just nodded along and mumbled in acknowledgment every now and then. To say I was bored to tears was an understatement.

"Isabelle? Are you listening to me?" I snapped back into focus, sighing when I saw Cormac looking at me expectantly. "I was telling you about my family's vacation home in Bulgaria and how the former Minister of Magic got horribly drunk on Firewhiskey there last summer." He said, chuckling. I sipped my butterbeer, shrugging. "Sorry, Cormac. There's a lot on my mind." Cormac scooted over a little so that he was sitting close to me, his face strangely sympathetic. "Well, what's on your pretty little mind then? I'd love to know." He said, obviously trying to make me melt into the palm of his hand.

I opened my mouth to speak, but my words caught in my throat when I saw Draco walk into the pub, but he wasn't alone. The Slytherin Skank, Pansy Parkinson, was hanging off of Draco's arm and making love faces at him. I couldn't tell if the feeling rising inside of me was betrayal, anger, or nausea. It felt like an awful combination of all three. They took a seat at a secluded table across the room that was conveniently in my line of sight. Draco caught my eye when we sat down, and even though his face was stony, his eyes were absolutely on fire. Fine, if he wanted to play this little game, I was going to fucking destroy him.

"It's nothing, Cormac. Please, tell me more about you. You're just so fascinating." I said, batting my eyelashes and placing my hand over his. This obviously boosted Cormac's ego and he launched into a huge speech that sounded like it was his life story. I pretended to be overly interested, laughing at the littlest things and being very touchy. I glanced over every now and then at Draco and Pansy, who were getting closer together with every passing minute. I tried not to slip into passive boredom, no matter how cringe-worthy Cormac's personality was. The final straw for me was when I looked over at Pansy and Draco again and felt my heart stop. Draco had his hands in Pansy's hair and was kissing her the way he used to kiss me - like he was drowning and I was a breath of fresh air.

Every part of my body screamed at me to look away, to stop the stabbing sensation in my heart, but I couldn't. It held me in a trance, seeing him snog Pansy like it was the last thing he'd ever do. "Isabelle? Are you alright? Why are you crying?" I heard Cormac say, and I reached up to touch my face, surprised to find it wet. For some reason, the realization that I was crying was the thing that broke me and I covered my mouth as the tears came faster. 

"I'm sorry Cormac, I...I have to go." I choked out, getting up and hurrying out of the pub. I didn't know which way I was going, but all I knew was that I had to get away from the Three Broomsticks. When I came to my senses, I found myself at the edge of the Forbidden Forest and I dropped to my knees, unable to go further. I put my face in my hands, trying to muffle the wails my body couldn't contain. The pain was literally killing me inside.

"Trying to run away? Giving up on the Wizarding World?"

I refused to look up at the familiar voice, wiping at my eyes. I would not under any circumstances let him see me cry. I would not let him see how much he had broken me. "What the fuck do you want, Malfoy?" I said, keeping my eyes on the ground. I saw his shoes in front of me and he squatted down, grabbing my chin and forcing me to look at him. "Why did you even pull that little stunt with McLaggen? Was it supposed to make me angry, Potter? Maybe make me want you back?" I said nothing, and he smirked. "Such a silly, stupid girl, living in a little fantasy world, believing I could ever love her."

I pushed him away from me, getting up quickly and glaring at him with murderous eyes. "Why can't you just leave me alone, Malfoy? You got what you wanted, didn't you? You broke my heart and threw away a three-year relationship. Why do you insist on torturing me still? You're such a foul, evil little cockroach!" I said, my voice cracking. Draco glared at me, advancing on me and yelling angrily "How dare you talk to me like that?" but he stopped dead in his tracks when I pulled out my wand and pointed it at him. "You take one more step towards me and I'll hex you into the next millennia," I said, my voice shaking with anger and sadness. Draco smirked, shaking his head. "You don't have it in you."

My temper flared and I pointed my wand at a huge boulder, screaming "DIFFINDO!!" Draco watched in mild horror as the massive rock exploded into dust. "Don't. Fucking. Touch. Me." I said, feeling the tears fall down my face as Draco stared at me. "Don't touch me. Don't look at me. Don't talk to me. For as long as I live, I never want you near me again." I said, and when Draco stayed silent, I turned away, hurrying back towards the castle and hoping no one would question why I had my arms wrapped around myself and tear-streaked cheeks.

Once I reached the safety of the castle, I ran to Gryffindor Tower, ignoring the questioning yells of Rosie and Ginny who were both seated in the Common Room. I burst into the dormitory, throwing myself on the bed and sobbing into my pillow. My grief took over my body and made it ache, from the top of my head all the way down to my toes. I had to face the harsh, horrible truth no matter how much I wanted to believe otherwise - Draco truly hated me, and he had never loved me.

(A/n: This is just awful. This makes my heart hurt. My OTP has been killed. Thank you so so much for reading, my lovelies! I hope you loved this chapter and if you did, make sure you subscribe to me or add this story to your reading list/library to make sure you get notified every time I update - Mondays and Thursdays! Also, if there's any Marvel fans out there, keep an eye out for my upcoming story! Love y'all!!)

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